Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inplantation Bleeding After Period

Machete Maidens Unleashed! (Theater Review)

Machete Maidens Unleashed!

The film was in the sixth Zurich Film Festival shown.


Until the 60s in the west probably had hardly ever heard of that one of the Philippines prolific film nation in the world were. That changed as it did in the 70s many American producers moved to Southeast Asia in order to turn cheap horror and action films. The conditions were ideal to also, finally gave the Philippines a large existing film industry, enticing locations, few state policies, especially low-cost labor. Thus in this phase, many of the so-called exploitation films, which tried with all too easily manageable means to arouse the interest of the viewer.

come In this documentary, the former directors and actors (-in) as well as film historians and critics have their say. Wink tell they scatter about the heyday of the B-movies, anecdotes and one can not believe it sometimes, to have done certain things back then really. A final dwarf kickboxing is far from the bizarre, here comes to light.


2007 Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez Grindhouse shot with a tribute to the exploitation films of the 70s and 80s. Rodriguez has since then refills with machete again and it does seem as would the trashy violence and porn movie again become increasingly popular. Mark Hartley's documentary Machete Maidens Unleashed! thus appears gerade zur richtigen Zeit.

Der Aufbau des Filmes ist grob chronologisch gegliedert und thematisiert nebenbei die Entwicklung des Filmschaffens vor dem Hintergrund der politischen Situation der Philippinen. Die einzelnen Zeitabstände sind wiederum thematisch unterteilt, es werden also in erster Linie die verschiedenen Untergenres und einige ihrer führenden Exponenten vorgestellt. Wir erfahren beispielsweise, dass es im Subgenre Women in prison films eine eigene Richtung der Jungle prison films gibt, welche bevorzugt von Frauen handeln, die in einer diktatorischen Bananenrepublik aus einer sadistischen Gefangenenanstalt fliehen müssen. Kleidung ist in dieser tropischen Hitze selbstverständlich eher überflüssig. Thus touted about as follows The Big Bird Cage with the later Jackie Brown Pam Grier -Star and the B-movie master Roger Corman: Women so hot with desire they melt the chains that enslave them!

Besides the two mentioned above are including John Landis, and Sid Haig ( The Devil's Rejects ) their say. Particularly interesting is the part about Apocalypse Now, which was also filmed at this time in the Philippines. The positioning in the context of B-movie industry will pose new light on the - known to be disastrous - production history of the film. Otherwise, like Machete Maidens Unleashed! However, except for Exploitation have fans of the film location of the special meaning little new to offer. Formally, the film stands out not, but it is mainly of interviews, which is backed by a half-hour show of the trailer mentioned films. However, if you primarily have the right to obtain an overview in fast-forward is best served in any case.

it is really only one condition: weird humor. For he who can not laugh at this quaint, mostly unintentionally funny movies, the rose-red blood fountains and paper mache monster can do is fail without question of place. A Prise Nostalgie schwingt in vielen Interviews mit, wenn sich derjenige zurückerinnert an die Zeit, als die Filme keine Rechtfertigung brauchten, um die Protagonistin den halben Film mit nacktem Oberkörper herumrennen zu lassen, und als es keine Hemmungen gab, noch so reisserisch um die Aufmerksamkeit des Zuschauers zu buhlen. Unübertroffen ist zum Beispiel die Tagline von Vampire Hookers :


ca. 7 von 10 Punkten


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