Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Do Hack A Sim Card For Sidekick Lx

off more than just talk (Theater Review)

Einmal mehr als nur talk

The film was in the sixth Zurich Film Festival shown.


After the Central American Nicaragua was ruled 45 years of dictatorial Somoza clan, it came in 1977 into a nationwide civil war that ended two years later in the seizure of power by communist revolutionary Sandinistas. From then on, led by the United States under Ronald Reagan's efforts to overthrow the new government by the guerrillas militarily and financially supported somozische.

this causes a wave of worldwide sympathizers of leftist activists with Nicaragua. As part of this euphoria was created in 1984, the brigade "February 34", which consisted of fifty Austrians who are in the deep jungles in the south of the country went to there to help with the construction of infrastructure facilities. The credo of the young women and men talk more than once!


The documentary of Anna Catherine Wohlgenannt reconstructed from numerous interviews with former participants and archive footage of the events detailed in February 1984 during which the brigade stayed in Nicaragua. Here, the audience soon develops a much different picture than the obvious view that this is only is a rash move from fifty naïve peace activists. This is certainly true in many ways, but already the range of participants gave surprisingly far: From left conservative hard-liners on Maoists committed to members of a Catholic youth movement - everything was in place. Looking back, these people tell one part in detail on the end of the company and the difficulties that arose in the face of foreign culture and the tropical climate. On the other hand, they describe the relaxed dreams, ideals and political ideologies, they moved to this trip.

Interestingly, many still feel the dismay that the time of the revolution in Nicaragua after a good ten years earlier was over again and that ultimately nothing came of the world socialist revolution. In fact, the attitude of many Austrian activists compared with the situation in Nicaragua was at first not only naive but also very arrogant. They went to teach to the recruitment to Central America, the "poor natives there to have such a social revolution is made. However, there were certainly students who wanted to "play" not only revolution but wanted to bring about serious political changes and their views on this matter have not changed to this day.

The director captures this alles ein, ohne einen Kommentar oder gar eine Wertung abzugeben. Stattdessen entfaltet sich ein ausführliches Zeitdokument, welches der Gefahr der Heroisierung nicht ganz entgeht, auch wenn das Urteil grösstenteils dem Zuschauer selbst überlassen wird. Einmal mehr als nur reden ist ein persönliches und facettenreiches Portrait der letzten sozialen Utopie des 20. Jahrhunderts.

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