Monday, January 24, 2011

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The left formation

The following is a text of Antifa Freiberg is documented, which, thankfully, busy with this year's critical to mobilize the left activities against the Nazi parades in Dresden.

This is not the first in 2011, but now in particular through the absence of content and a maximum distance to an ideology-critical analysis of the memory in Dresden, but even more by left-wing populism to the "Events" and the "movement 'sake, coined.

Here we go ...

The left formation

" [T] he decision is made. For 19 February 2011 there is a large mobilization of mass blockades to Dresden. "That one, before this show, which reaches the majority of participants in the parade of sinister zombies on the ML-LLL-Demo almost had better turn tail like, we try to explain below.

The Curse of the superlative!

large mobilization, mass blockades; Event; Europas größter Naziaufmarsch; endgültig Geschichte werden zu lassen; bundesweit; auf jeden Fall zu verhindern; können und werden wir nicht; öffentlichkeitswirksam; aktiv werden; Aktionstag; trommelt alle eure Freunde zusammen usw. usf. Diese Sprache spricht Bände. Man braucht nicht erst Victor Klemperers L.T.I. zu lesen, um den Tatendrang, die Kraft und den superlativierten Sinn zu erkennen, mit denen bei no pasarán und Dresden-Nazifrei Politik gemacht wird: Mit einer Sprache, die schon von ihrer Struktur her auf etwas verweist, das zum Fürchten ist.

Welch autoritärer Gestus muss in den Köpfen der Menschen herrschen, die die überwiegende Zahl ihrer Ergüsse end with exclamation points and for which high performance is to formulate sentences. Phrases that deserve this name and the jargon emancipated without statements of resolve and manage their own insurance, common identity. Rates, therefore, the content, or in the highest of all cases, even criticism transport.

Thus in the mobilization of Dresden after the form and content together in a wonderful way, each word breaks with the need for community, identity and autonomous Gruppenkuscheln track. As for the LTI, so for the language of the mobilization is: " tendency gespannte Bewegung auf ein Ziel hin, ist Pflichtgebot, elementares und allgemeines. (..) Sein ganzer Sprachschatz ist von dem Willen zur Bewegung, zum Handeln beherrscht. 1 Tätigkeitsworte und das Schreiben im Futur sind symptomatisch für die Aufrufe von no pasarán und Dresden-Nazifrei: wir werden; blockieren; verhindern, stoppen; wollen; es nicht belassen werden usw. usf. Die Bewegung ist Alles, der Einzelne Nichts. Stillstand ist der Tod.

„Der Weg ist das Ziel“

no pasarán

"This goal unites us"

Dresden-Nazi Free

There is therefore action conferences, action consensus, blockade training and the like. Everything points to the principle of motion and the act itself. In the call for 2011, a justification for the blockade pasarán no spectacle is just three sentences worth; Dresden Nazifrei dispensed equally to all. Apparently it will convince no longer, but recruiting. Preventing Nazi marches seems for the vast Majority legitimate to already by itself and needs no further goals and analysis.

This is followed by another key feature of the pronouncements No Pasaran and Dresden-Nazi Freis to: the of the claim. The Nazi rally on 13 February would be the most important Nazi rally Europe is to read about. But evidence found for it at most rudimentary of the three sets that can not go through as a reason. 2 But why should the horse that chewed through and dealt with the topic funeral marches are significant because numerous demonstrations against such so-called child molester, herbeihalluzinierte „Überfremdung“, Globalisierung, oder aktuelle politische Anlässe?

Waren etwa die antisemitischen Aufmärsche anlässlich der Verteidigung des israelischen Souveräns gegen die „Free-Gaza Flotille“ im letzten Jahr, an denen sich u.a. auch die Antifaschistische Linke Berlin – eine im no pasarán-Bündnis organisierte Gruppe – beteiligte 3 , nicht minder gefährlich? Eine Tatsache, die die ALB als Bündnispartner völlig diskreditieren sollte. Und ist die Behauptung kein Schlag ins Gesicht jener Antifaschist_innen in Ungarn und Russland, die dort einer organisierten rechten Pogrom atmosphere are exposed to? 4

However, it is not surprising, as the mass of alliances come to this conclusion. Their limited horizon, the events seem to be the navel of the world in and around Dresden. Those who own relevance measures only to the assembled masses on the street who the participants figures on demonstrations indicators of success, who can think persisting despite as ideal Gesamtantifaschist_in thoroughly macho-like gestures on Gender Gap only in organizational contexts, is bound in the mobilization of technical tail compared 5 end with the neo-Nazis and see exactly where the danger. In this type of analysis are no pasarán and Dresden-Nazi Free criticize the doctrine of extremism them amazingly close.

A critique of neo-Nazi and other inhumane ideologies can not help but to examine them on their potency. As it also nominates No Pasaran right, authoritarian character structure and cynical thinking in society is widespread. However, one must also recognize that in almost all parts of society is consensus to distance themselves from neo-Nazis and the funeral march everywhere met with strong disapproval.

in Dresden for the Nazis is no pot more to win. No one wants them, not even the uptight mayor Helma Orosz. If Leave No Pasaran, therefore, that the actions of Dresden-Nazi Free and No Pasaran as perceived as disturbing would be like the inhuman propaganda (sic) of the neo-Nazis, that's a bold claim that is punished by the reality lies. That the covenants not just the goodwill of the city leaders to draw on, is certainly the case - but nothing more. The outsider who takes no for pasarán claim, has long recuperated from the social mainstream and only the gesture another.

often - and there lies the problem - it reveals itself only in a discomfort with Nazis, which position themselves somewhere between social desirability, self-assurance and antiracist activism and for this reason in the is able to go beyond a rejection of neo-Nazis. Against Nazis is to be OK to criticize capitalism and its related phenomena, such as isolation, alienation, perceived helplessness and lack of subjectivity of individuals, as one of the causes of mass movements and collective identification zu benennen, zu viel des Guten. Theodor W. Adorno schrieb bereits 1963 in seinem Aufsatz Was bedeutet: Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit, dass das Nachleben des Nationalsozialismus in der Demokratie potentiell bedrohlicher sei, als das Nachleben des Nationalsozialismus gegen die Demokratie. 6

Und auch mehr als 40 Jahre später ist Deutschland von einer faschistischen Machtübername unendlich weit entfernt. Daher ist der Verweis darauf, dass das Blockadespektakel durch die deutsche Geschichte notwendig wird , bereits empirisch widerlegt. Notwendig wäre ganz anderes, etwa, sich die Causes of inhuman thinking is known and to work on its abolition.

Although it is claimed to have left with the blockade actions undertaken the framework of symbolic protest are the blockages in the end just that - purely symbolic actions. Dresden-Nazi Free betrays so even if people are asked to put an effective sign . Menschenverachtendem ideas on the roads to do is utopian. Above all, the closures have not addressed and a gain of knowledge they will not bid. Nazis, their social marginality wissen, bekommen das an diesem Tag lediglich noch einmal gespiegelt, während alle anderen sich gegenseitig bestätigen, wie blöd sie Nazis finden. Um nicht falsch verstanden zu werden: Wenn Nazis am 19. Februar einen richtig beschissenen Trauermarsch erleben, ist das unbedingt zu begrüßen – aber wir glauben, dass es nicht die Auswirkungen hat, wie die Blockadelustigen sie sich gern einreden. Nach Dresden zu fahren ist einfach, aber nutzlos und hat mit Zivilcourage nichts zu tun. Es ist eine riesige Selbstbespaßung, die die dafür aufgebrachte Mühe nicht wert ist.

Angesichts all der Zumutungen, die diese Gesellschaft bereit hält, It is almost ludicrously, for a event as the 13th wasting February, his strength and energy, where there are other places so many reasons to get involved. What progress could in asylum law and the German deportation be achieved, there would be an approximately similar protest. How many people could against adverse circumstances, or her death to be preserved, even were calling an alliance to help prevent deportations. And how much richer in prospects would be the province were flowing commitment once there. Every progressive political event in the youth club, and even every cultural program that is not dominated by right-wing or right-audience content wird, ist dort nachhaltiger, als die noch so große Großblockade. Doch dort fehlen sowohl der klar lokalisierbare „Feind“, an dem sich abzuarbeiten wäre, als auch der jährliche Eventcharakter. Denn damit rechnet das autonome Herz: Dass in Dresden was geht!

Der Spaßfaktor

Genau diese bewegungslinke Scheiße ist es, die es für uns unerträglich macht, die Mobilisierungen nach Dresden gutzuheißen. „ Der Mobi-Stuff des Antifa-Bündnis „no pasarán“ für diese Saison(sic!) ist fertig. “, it is about on the homepage of the Alliance pasarán no, as if I apply a football game.

The funeral march of the Nazis and the protests against it have long since blown up into a chimera, which itself receives in life and makes for quite a few groups the only purpose of their political work. The goal here is behind the production.

social criticism is not a carnival club. Those who already weeks before the 19th February full of excitement and anticipation, eager to explore Dresden in a little action, so that the hope of a better wound Society in a dispute with menschenverachtendem thought would be obsolete, in favor of private pleasure. This, of course - to remain in the hands of Nazi Dresden-free - a legitimate one, but has to do with a dispute with menschenverachtendem thinking about as much as a hiking trip with the group of free time in the Saxon Switzerland.

No Pasaran is in the call for 2011, however, problematic. "We like to disturb," is written. A tiny headline in the infected so many. Should not it be sickening, by the efforts to have to operate that make no pasarán and Dresden-Nazi Free undoubtedly? Could not the people at No Pasaran and Dresden-Nazi free use of their limited life time more, there were no Nazi rallies?

to do something like inevitably implies an acquiescence with the circumstances and not in resignation, which, while regrettable, but probably would not understand, but in sheer satisfaction. However, it is sickening to have to live in a society like this. Every day, the longer the case, a day that is gone forever. On the criticism of it (by the covenants is not even done) to have fun, nothing more than sadism.

Furthermore, the quoted passage is evidence for that moment in the mobilization plays a major role. Even the word mobilization indicates that status. The blockades are not just resources but also an end in itself. To sit together in a blockade is exciting and welded together like the winter, the fellow in the winter help. Man awaits jointly in the freezing cold and snow and is in solidarity with each other for . Reason enough to put all the political differences shelve and forget the class boundaries. This is the replacement Community as compensation for their own marginality in a handy pocket size.

As in any process of identification is needed here too a clear enemy against which can be delineated. criticism is not the fact that neo-Nazis are used to distinguish which of itself, but that this process ever used for identification. It will not be dealt with ideologies and formed a critical concept of society, but above all, its insured, but that even the "good side" is. Is it done once, by implication, agree or even actively supportive in sports groups Hunting of neo-Nazis - or whom you hold it - done and in department made that people hurt in the attack with paving stones seriously and then expected that similar behavior does not draw such a denunciation to the police after themselves, but silence from the "repressive apparatus the state ".

sandbox General ra0105 reports ...

This esprit de corps also finds expression in speech and gesture No Pasaran. Texts and views of the Alliance are full of military terms: neo-Nazis had a crushing defeat accept surround, buses will be in a long column , the Nazi big event is cracked , opponents, local displacement of the blocks, will not remain unanswered . The Antifascist Left Berlin is not even too stupid to talk of human blockades . Why not just of human material? If there are no pasarán thousands of people who make up the impact of the force. And on the web site is actually an adaptation of the slogans of Che Guevara "We work two, three, many Vietnams": "Take two, three, many buses ...".

Die angestrebten Massenblockaden sind ein Mittel, auf das man setzt . Ebenfalls eine Formulierung, die man sich auf der Zunge zergehen lassen sollte. Auf etwas zu setzen ist der Fall, wenn man bewusst eine Strategie verfolgt. Das intendiert ein Kalkül, Abwägung von Sachverhalten, wie man es aus Militärmanövern, oder auch der institutionalisierten Politik kennt. Es geht dabei um Hegemonie auf dem Schlachtfeld, oder in der Gesellschaft; um Interessenkampf, oder Entscheidung auf der Straße. Wer auf etwas setzt, hat längst begonnen, Realpolitik zu machen. Verwundern muss das nicht bei those who do not want to overcome capitalism with all its forms of socialization, but only a system based on exploitation economic system.

Quo vadis Dresden?

How can take place against these backgrounds, a critical approach to ideology and in Dresden? We believe that the execution will lead to Nazis on the street in Dresden to nothing. Especially in the province of Saxony, is based on neo-Nazis organized an acute danger. It lies not only in life and limb threatening violence, but their influence on the socialization young people and the erosion of alternative subculture. That, however, the annual, oversized family gathering in Dresden occupies such an important networking, encouragement and politicization function, as often stated, we do not deny completely, but doubt remained preoccupied vehemence.

appears on the contrary, the presumption is not entirely unreasonable that the attention will be accompanied by the Nazi parades in Dresden, for the reinforcing effect. After all that frustration can lead to self-reflection, is a steep proposition as evidence, not least, which followed the funeral march prevented in the last year. The Proliferation inhuman thoughts are no good and meet pasarán Dresden-Nazi free in this way can not.

This is also the danger that we discover the core of the protests. The militant gesture and the participation of groups and individuals reproduce most disgusting inhuman ideas in many different ways. The politicization of people, which takes place in Dresden certainly involves, in addition to opportunities and great dangers. At the end of may at the point of critical human and social democrats, Greens, Communists and other left-ML managers are suffering. The experience as part of a broad alliance verheißt jedenfalls nichts Gutes. Für die zu leistende radikale Gesellschaftskritik ist das wahrscheinlich viel gefährlicher, als die organisierten Neonazis, um die sich längst die zivilgesellschaftlichen Institutionen kümmern.

Antifaschistische Gruppe Freiberg, Januar 2011


1 Klemperer, Victor (1957): LTI. Stuttgart: Reclam, 22. Auflage 2007, S. 304.

2 " The annually staged a funeral march large deployment is to last more than 6,000 participants in the largest Nazi rally Europe dar. But he is not only because of its size matter, but also because of its spillover effect into other European abroad, and its internal efficiency in the various, otherwise often fractious spectra of the Nazis. Autonomous Nationalists, NPD, DVU, the rightmost edge of fraternities and associations, and Nazis from other European countries came together and were represented together as a powerful movement to do. , "is all that pasarán in the call to no is written to it.

3 See Friends /

4 See:, 1518,734389,00 html . and

5 A particularly dramatic example can be found eg here: # c694825

6 Adorno, Theodor W. (1963): What does coming to the past. In: intervention. Nine critical models. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, special issue on the 40th anniversary of edition Suhrkamp 2003, p. 126


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