Saturday, January 29, 2011

1942 Mosin Nagat Rifle Price

Tron (DVD Review), Tron: Legacy (movie review)

Tron (1982) vs. Tron: Legacy (2010)

It was in 1982: the time when the weight of an HD still could be confused with their space and as in Star Wars the first animated wire frame model the screen was visible, is still fresh in memory. Since Disney brings a strange film to the cinema, almost exclusively in einer obskuren Computerwelt spielt und aussieht wie ein Arkade-Videospiel: Tron .
Gut 30 Jahre später: Terabyte-HDs bekommt man praktisch nachgeworfen, dass ein ganzer Computer in die Hosentasche passt ist geradezu selbstverständlich geworden und alle Welt ist noch berauscht von Avatar , mit dem die Grenze zwischen Realaufnahmen und CGI endgültig verschwunden ist. Da bringt Disney unter grossem Marketing-Tamtam die Fortsetzung eines seltsamen Science-Fiction-Films aus den 80ern ins Kino. Ein heikles Unterfangen: Finanziell war der Originalfilm nicht gerade ein Erfolg und von den Massen, welche man mit Tron: Legacy ins Kino locken will, kennt ihn sowieso nur ein Bruchteil. Nichtsdestotrotz oder gerade why has Disney (acts of the makers of the original, Steven Lisberger, producer), a huge sum in the first design of Joseph Kosinski and is pumped to first-class computer effects, which of course according to the state of art in mindblowing 3D are presented.

Was Tron of hacker Flynn, who is kidnapped in cyberspace and there fight against an overwhelming AI needs, then told Tron: Legacy the story of his son's, aimed at analyzing the disappearance of the father and likewise in the computer world lands.

The new edition has to offer, in principle, exactly three things: the music, effects, and the design. The first Daft Punk is due to what were hired for the soundtrack. The second is a pure question of money, like what it said was no shortage. And the third is largely due to the cap of the original, because Tron: Legacy often seems more like a remake than a sequel. Hard to say whether it was a lack of creativity or courage, at least one has been content to tinker with the computer world of the original look and you miss the latest CGI-cut, rather than thinking ahead, develop and adapt the current technological situation. Reference to current discussions and problem areas are limited to a small involvement of the open-source idea at the beginning, which is not further pursued. Too bad the original would have to but a through ball presented - after it went into the film so that the programs, free from the tyranny of the Master Control Program be free and connect with their users can. The escapism danger is with today's video games known to have increased enormously, settled in the Tron universe thematize excellent. Instead, we shall Tron: Legacy the crude story of a group "self-produced programs", a sort of chosen people with magical powers, which should solve all problems of this world, but the bad guy - even Again, a super-AI, but this time in the form of Flynn Seniors alter ego - was slaughtered.

man must be honest: The original Tron has not exactly earned the Oscar for best screenplay. He offered a verwurstelte not particularly compelling framework for action (a mistake that the continuation of straight repeats), but is in principle irrelevant when Flynn enters cyberspace (and in the sequel). At this moment begins the real story, namely, basically a classic fantasy adventure in a digital abstract world of forms.
And somehow the thing works. Character development and conflicts are indeed very limited offered, but the young Jeff Bridges manages with his loose and bold type to attract the sympathy on his side. We are ready to follow him like Alice into Wonderland, where he gets to grapple with all sorts of minions of the evil empire must be a floating bit as a side-kick and in the course of his epic journey even with a magic fountain space scene. While the mythical elements present in the sequel to a break with the ultra modern look, so here they are ubiquitous and form a veritable cornerstone of the computer world. Implementing the idea of a classically structured, almost fairy-tale world with a futuristic design, is not necessarily new (the same found in the first Star Wars place), works in Tron still pretty good.

It hurts almost as seen in Tron: Legacy the story elements of the original are reclyclet, but without love and a sense of the narrative flow. Instead of telling an exciting story to be bombastic action scenes (which are quickly deserted, because you do not mitfiebert) lined up and every now and again of "sensitive" dialogue interrupted, you must keep the place somewhere. This "deep" scenes do not work, because every character in the film is dull and uninteresting and dull with standart phrases as an attempt to miss the conflict an aura of importance. Add to this the already mentioned "philosophical" ramblings of fate and destiny.
Jeff Bridges as a quasi-Jedi Master has done little more than respectable attitude and a serious expression in the area standing around or meditate, sometimes both. Garrett Hedlund as Flynn Jr. provides an equally terrific performance as in Troy - he is a spineless Nobody, who constantly brings in dangerous situations, but surprisingly they can master all with flying colors. Because at no point cast doubt on the good end of the story and the fact that opponents are characterized more by failure than by danger, is hardly in the film tension.

no question that the effects Tron: Legacy are breathtaking and the film has some of the most amazing 3D experience since Avatar . Unlike Pandora seems to have been in the creation, however, no love in the game, because the world seems cold and characterless. Everything is fast, stylish and jobs could be personally designed by Steve, with the charm of the bulky wire mesh models by 1982 the whole thing but not in any way. Of course Tron here has a strong nostalgia bonus, as the the combination of simple computer animations with Real-consuming post-processed images in retrospect a rather bizarre example of one in infancy technique is staked. Nevertheless, the images still have a strong attraction and it is not hard to imagine how groundbreaking they were 30 years ago - while the computer technology in Tron: Legacy only expensive and time-consuming, but not in the least is innovative. The courage to experiment over the years, Disney seems to have lost.

The difference between Tron and Tron : Legacy is basically the same as between Star Wars and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace : Part 1 provided a new, fantastic world full of witty details, had a sympathetic and lead actor was not technically perfect, but implemented groundbreaking. Part 2 tells a boring story, contains wax figures instead of real actors, and is implemented technically immaculate and unloving. But at least there is still Daft Punk .

Tron (1982): rounded up about 8 out of 10
Tron: Legacy (2010): rounded up about 6 out of 10

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