Monday, December 22, 2008

Red And Yellow To Headphone Cable

Happy X-Mas !!!

wish you all a happy and wonderful Christmas with your loved ones! A couple relaxing and happy holidays to gather strength and a good start in a healthy and prosperous New Year 2009!

Then we do it all again for many beautiful and successful and above all more good health and landings!

looks at you and I hope the Christmas past

Cheers - your Heli

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Shower Before Wax Pores Softer

No reconciliation with Germany!

Pünktlich zum Jahresausklang ist der neue Aufruf zu den "13.Februar" Feierlichkeiten in Dresden erschienen. Same shit as every year, werden die ein oder anderen jetzt vielleicht denken, was nicht ganz falsch ist, schaut man sich die fast schon hysterische Debatte in Dresden um den " richten und wahrhaften " Umgang mit dem "13.Februar" und der größten Gedenkveranstaltung, nämlich dem Naziaufmarsch, an.
Einen durchweg lesenswerten Kontrapunkt zu den Aktivitäten der Nazis, der Dresdner "Zivilgesellschaft" und einem in diesem Jahr weiteren auftretenden " linken Vorbereitungkreis "No Pasaran! " (siehe unter, the occasion of the anniversary with " No more war - never again fascism " goes on for fools, the following text.

call for anti-fascist actions on 13 and 14 February 2009 in Dresden.

it had not given the bombing of Dresden - the Germans had invented. The reference to the bombing of Dresden on 13 February 1945 is today impossible to imagine more than sixty years later, the German self-confidence. The Saxon in the City celebrated annually Gedenken an die Toten der Bombardierung ist dabei weit mehr als die Erinnerung an ein historisches Ereignis. In der Woche um den 13. Februar herum trifft sich die kollektive Trauer deutscher Bürger_innen um sogenannte „deutsche Opfer“ mit dem zur Zeit größten Nazi-Aufmarsch Europas. Beide vereint die Suche nach kollektiver Identität, die nach 1945 in Deutschland jedoch nicht mehr umstandslos zu haben ist. Die einzige vernünftige Konsequenz aus der deutschen Geschichte bleibt der bedingungs- und kompromisslose Bruch mit ihr. Wer ihn nicht vollziehen will, kommt um eine umfassende Revision und Verfälschung dieser Geschichte nicht herum – ganz gleich ob als subtile Akzentverschiebung oder als raubeinige Lüge. Nicht nur in Dresden therefore leads the reconstruction of German identity in the displacement of the historical reality of a myth. Among the competing currents of the Dresden commemoration continues the German ideology and are thus in the tradition of German Täter_innen. The necessary break with the German past, however implies the relentless criticism of the Dresden mourning spectacle in all its forms. This can only mean the historical revisionist manifestations of German ideology in the two days of the 13th and 14 to confront February 2009 with the much needed criticism.
A reconciliation with Germany is impossible.

The staging of the myth
The Allied air forces flew from October 1944 to April 1945 a total of eight attacks on Dresden. But only the attacks of 13 and 14 February 1945 mark by the Royal Air Force's collective memory to this day. The damage in this regard myth of Dresden is less on the bombing itself back to lead, rather than the propaganda of the Nazis. The Nazi leadership decided on a campaign to strengthen the people storm the Interior and the discrediting of the Allies in neutral countries. Thus, the symbol of Dresden soon internationally for a senseless destruction of cultural treasures of art and just before the end of the war that supposedly hundreds of thousands of lives. The collective memory, the coordinates of today's culture of remembrance in the city and the dispute over the commemoration of the 13th February has been determined for over sixty years of it. contributed

that Dresdner population as to the success of the murderous Nazi regime had and Dresden not an innocent art and culture was that the Nazi propaganda tenfold the dead numbers, and the German population in the last act of the war in Volkssturm gathered about people's community and to defend his country, was and is allowed to completely ignore this story, as, for example, that Dresden is the second largest Garnisonsstadt des Dritten Reiches und wichtiger Standort der Rüstungsproduktion war.

Im Zentrum der Mythenbildung um Dresden stand seit 1945 die Frage nach der Zahl der Toten. Angesichts dieses Jahrzehnte währenden Streits setzte die Stadt 2004 die „Historikerkommission“ ein, um die Totenzahl endgültig zu bestimmen. Nicht nur widerlegte die Kommission den beliebten Dresdner Mythos der Tieffliegerangriffe am Elbufer, sondern zeigte auch, dass die Zahl der Toten weit niedriger lag als offiziell verbreitet, nämlich bei höchstens 25 000. Aber nicht nur das. Es wurde aus Archivmaterial nachgewiesen, dass schon die Nazis sehr gut über diese Zahl informiert waren; verschiedene zeitnahe Abschätzungen der Totenzahlen wiesen already out in the same range.
The establishment of the Historical Commission under these circumstances, it can be seen as a strategic coup, with the lie about the dead is veiled figures of the last sixty years as a mere "ignorance". Nevertheless, the confrontation is with the historical reality of the Dresden memorial as a heavy blow, for now is unfounded, Dresden why this special status is to have the so-called German memorial culture. The new justification here is that Dresden possessed a tradition-rich and diverse culture of remembrance. "

a transformation in historical revisionism.

The "context" of the bombing.
Was the commemoration of the 13th February in Dresden after 1989 long time a rather transparent revisionist and revanchist event, receiving the current commemoration confidence insidiously just the fact that it claims to reject in their own grief Nazism and German history fully into account, a claim that by as well as the most Verteidiger_innen Kritiker_innen of remembrance, straight to the left, was taken virtually sight unseen.
This was achieved for the current criticism is usually the point where they surrendered; be it as a shame peace with the new (and therefore also the old) German ideology or as a retreat into the self-sufficient repetition of empty phrases. There are, however, no reason. The modernized 13th February-memory it is only possible by an extremely problematic handling of historical experience, on the one hand to reject the German National Socialism and also to commemorate the German Täter_innen who were responsible for him. Of German history it remains only an abstract myth.
The rejection of the German National Socialism in the Dresden-memory will not be changed by the confrontation of her own actions with the historical experience but The fact that is added to the memorial ritual of German history. In the popular, and many left uncritical, language of remembrance degenerates the history of German National Socialism to the "history" or "background" of the bombing of German cities.

It forms the "context" which is the other named in any suitable and unsuitable location. The hierarchy is established from the outset: in the center are the "German victims" and on top or underneath, behind or beyond must be compulsively the "context" summoned. Quite consistent with the fundamental text of 2005, modernized Remembrance entitled "Framework for Remembrance".

The dramatic historical experience of German barbarity is reduced to a "context" in the course of one's own memory with known or "remember" to be. This is not just about a questionable priorities, but rather a substantive shift in the story. For the historical experience of National Socialism can not merely with sorrow for the dead German does not unite, it prohibits any such positive reference to the German Täter_innen. To legitimize the memory for a radical review of this history is necessary, so as the Germans killed abstract Individuals can be mourned, it must be denied their involvement in the history of National Socialism or hidden.

The reduction of history to a "context" appears as a maneuver to abstract from the individual level entirely. As "context" so easy, therefore, supply a narrative history of National Socialism is nothing more than a bad collection of textbook facts, in which human individuals did not happen again. The actual content of historical experience is blocked so completely.

German guilt
The excess of any limit Extent of Nazi barbarism can only understood by the fact that the barbarism of the individuals, the Germans, was not only supported, but they considered the meeting the same as their very own project. Although the Germans of the crimes committed without the power of the Nazi Party would not have been possible, because only with the preparation of a comprehensive socio-political constellation, the mobilization and coordination of anti-Semitic mass.

But the creation of Jewish murder, ethnic community and "total war" was not a secret project of a clique of party Nazis. It was the public and put under general permission and participation promoted project an entire society. The willingness of "ordinary German" for active participation in murder and brutality against Jews has been empirically comprehensive, other than through their participation would be the German extermination project has not been possible in the scale.
The Germans in 1945 said almost unanimously that it was aware of nothing and was involved in anything to be. The question of individual guilt can not be answered abstractly, any such thinking is just of guilt. The boundaries between active and Mörder_innen in violence is not directly involved Germans must not be blurred. The claim, however, that 1945 would be ignorant, innocent and uninvolved in Germany can live, can be proven empirically.

is To comprehend the incomprehensible, the relentless "turn to the subject" (Adorno) is necessary, ie it must be asked the question, how can it happen that the single human individual to participate in an ideologically motivated murder Project incredible extent capable is. The National Socialist ideology as well as the murderous practice of violence against others found virtually no opposition in the German population, because they corresponded with the constitution of individuals in modern society.

The perceived external Sociality is wrong with what this company claims to be yourself in agreement. But the result is not the conceptual effort and reflection, but the ideology of education. The contradictions of the capitalist socialization not attacked by individuals who have ventured to the requirements of the Enlightenment never projected onto others: the Jews are to be blamed for everything. While self projecting itself as a victim, the hatred of Jews as an integral part of the false consciousness.

fact that, of those on 13 February is thought to have been proved to Anhänger_innen a "eliminationist anti-Semitism" (Goldhagen) have come in handy "Context" of this commemoration of course, not before. The very mention of the ideological motivation in anti-Semitism contains the reference to the fact that the Germans their actions voluntarily and without external coercion committed and disturbs the wrong need for mourning. The justification must be the acquittal of mourning, and this is done today by the reduction of history to a "context" in which the individual participation no longer be formulated; left history remains as a slightly more tangible myth that would so never be a reality .

historical experience constructively to their own actions in the present would be here to mean just the identity of those who will be mourned by those who shed light: who they were and what they did. This knowledge allows only one conclusion: any mourning for the German as "victims" turned logenen Täter_innen is rejected, as a positive reference to it is not possible. The mourning for slain German, in whatever form, will inevitably lead to political and historical revisionist rally.

German identity
There is no good reason, on 13 February to mourn slain German. What on 13 Happens every year in February, is not apolitical "memory work" but a collective ritual. Remembrance can and must be connected with the bombing of the death and suffering of real victims: the Zwangsarbeiter_innen, the Jews, but also the children.

all are indeed often misused to justify the commemorative spectacle, but to them it's not at all in memory. The commonality of all the colorful and fanciful distortions of history reflected in the fact that for 13 February 1945 an innocent and uninvolved in the core, if not contradictory sized German (and adults) civilian population is constructed with its own identification. Central to this identification is to eliminate all reflection and awareness efforts; organized memorial show moves completely on the level of immediate emotions. Abstract will be considered the "context" consisting of the German crimes, but just as they are simply be named in a mythological expression, they are beyond the imagination of the real Zuhörer_innen to be unreal.

The obligatory paragraph on "history" meets in the pathetic eulogy the job of the necessary suspense for the actual peak, which moves at a purely emotional level: the false identification with the individual experience and suffering. Here only the previously hidden Germans come into play as individuals: as individual "victim". Their products are dramatic times for the "common sense" of the Trauerbürger_innen who expect just such an emotional show, hard to grasp. In the elimination of any historical reflection is the commemoration of cheap propaganda rally. If one wanted to remember the real victims, there would have with any positive reference, each responsible for the identification with the Nazi Germans to be broken.
is against their own false need for empathy in the face of undeniable suffering of the Germans which spring from the concept of the historical context of the cold intellect necessary, and only they, the unbroken Remembrance of the Victims of National Socialism preserve. At no point of the Dresden memorial discourse of the spectacle and the associated fracture refers to the wrong place need to empathy and identification. Each of 13 February picked dramatic Zeitzeug_innenbericht of "German victims" is a sturdy piece of historical revisionism.

The perversion of German Täter_innen victims is a vital moment in the production of national identity. Like all such identities are ideological structures, they must be presented as eternal and immutable, which is accomplished here only by the fact that even in the dark period of National Socialism is a positive starting point German is the innocent "civilians" as the sum of individual "victims", not merely the better, but simply embody the good Germany: is identified on which to hold the false consciousness can.

for their own identity not only the historical continuity is produced, but from the mythologized history of National Socialism is just the lifting of the identity of the others, their own special words are related. The ineradicable German guilt is a positive "job" reinterpreted, in "personal responsibility for the design of a decent, democratic and peaceful society "(Framework for remembrance). In identifying with this from our own history allegedly springing "responsibility" but is not a burden but a tangible benefit to the individuals, namely the self-issued certificate to have worked the past and even to be cleansed, so in no way associated with this to want more.

angry to respond accordingly in Germany if the Expert_innen in terms of "past" of German guilt remembered or be faced with the demands of Zwangsarbeiter_innen for compensation. The reversal of history, the responsibility is only another variant of the supposedly legitimate end to the German past. Such speeches are not new, they date back as far as changing forms in the years after 1945, but come without the emphasis on the supposedly "new" does not, however they can not say what this actually is. do not end

The unending flood of empty words and evidence of its own "cleansing" and alleged "Reconciliation" refers to the fact that they have no real core, just as the targeted erasure of what happened is impossible. Our own false identity can not be realized, and is therefore just a ritual welches unendlich wiederholt werden muss und nie zur Ruhe kommen kann. Es ist die Suche nach nationaler Identität, die am 13. Februar tausende deutsche Bürger_innen in Dresden zum geschichtsrevisionistischen Gedenken an „deutsche Opfer“ auf die Straße treibt.

Das Gegenteil von gut ist gut gemeint.
Wie in den vergangenen Jahren wird es auch am Freitag, den 13. Februar 2009 in Dresden verschiedene „bürgerliche“ öffentliche Trauerveranstaltungen geben. Für den Abend des 13. Februars ruft das Nazi-Bündnis „Gegen das Vergessen“ zu einem Fackelumzug auf, zu dem über 1000 Nazis aus dem Spektrum der „Freien Kräfte“ zu erwarten sind. Am 14. Februar 2009 ist ein europaweiter Trauermarsch für die „deutschen Opfer“ der Bombardierung geplant. Im vergangenen Jahr war dieser „Trauermarsch“ mit über 5000 Teilnehmer_innen der größte Naziaufmarsch Europas.

Auch wenn man nach wie vor am gleichen Tag um die gleichen Opfer trauert: zum modernisierten Dresdner Gedenken gehört auch die Abgrenzung von den Nazis. Die Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen findet aber nicht als kritische Reflexion des eigenen Tuns am 13. Februar statt, sondern kommt im Gegenteil als verlogene Abwehr einer den „Rechtsextremisten“ vorgeworfenen „Vereinnahmung“ des Gedenkens daher. Through this "receipt", the police presence and of course the left Gegendemonstrant_innen the Dresdner_innen see the joy brought on mourning.

The analysis of the historical German National Socialism and the actual Nazis fail if they are transfigured. The ideology of the Nazis not only stands in continuity with the sentiments of virtually all segments of German society but also their democratic civil society Gegner_innen in walking thinking Alliance - not to mention the right edge fishing CDU completely - use explicitly set pieces of the same.

If the supporters of the "Call from Dresden" a Franz Muentefering, is one of the established anti-Semitic locusts metaphor in the German language again and on the web site to Peter then with the statement "the bombing of Dresden was the result of a long reign of people who were not worthy to rule the German people "is cited, the dispute with the Nazis is already lost. The collection under the banners of freedom and democracy is a lie if it serves only the purified own national identity against the threat of "right" to consolidate.

The talk of the need to defend democracy against the Nazis identified with dictatorship but has still the largest Mobilization successes in the bourgeois camp, but it distorts its subject, as if the NS would not "popular government" (Götz Aly) and the NPD would have been able to install a fascist dictatorship. No, the National Socialism lives on, not only against democracy, but also in the same, as an accepted expression. If the continued living and newly produced ideologies and false identities in the minds of the people does not reflect and be confronted, the debate takes on "the right" even ideological lines.

prevent Nazi parades, ritual mourning disturb!
The big rallies of the Nazis on 13 and 14 February 2009 and the historical revisionist German mourning Show on 13 February, solid share in the continuation of the same German ideology that was responsible for Nazism. It is related to these two days reproduced and solidified in the minds of men.
This German ideology contains within itself exclusion, racism, anti-Semitism and hatred of "others". It is realized in the arson attack, in violence and murder by Nazis and by "ordinary German" as well as in collective or individual looking away and tolerance on the other hand, in swastika graffiti on synagogues in rassistischen Gesetzgebungen und in Polizeiübergriffen. Sie ist eine Bedrohung für andere Menschen und uns selbst.

Es ist daher unser erklärtes Ziel, die Nazi-Aufmärsche am 13. und 14. Februar 2009 zu verhindern sowie das geschichtsrevisionistische Trauerspektakel am 13. Februar zu stören und durch kreative Aktionen mit unserer Kritik zu konfrontieren.
2006 gelang es erstmals, durch eine Blockade der Dresdner Augustusbrücke den Nazi-Großaufmarsch zur Umkehr zu zwingen.
Im Jahr darauf musste er aufgrund antifaschistischer Blockaden eine verkürzte Route wählen. Am 16. Februar 2008 versuchte die Stadt Dresden, antifaschistischen Protest in der Innenstadt durch ein Verbot der angemeldeten Demonstration zu verhindern and to let the Nazis march undisturbed. Regardless, the 1200 antifascists present in a rally starting to enforce a spontaneous demonstration, and to block the original Nazi route.
could be prevented by the Nazis marched at the Dresden synagogue. Nevertheless, they were able to change their route of march out under police protection largely undisturbed over.

This year we want more. We therefore call upon all people to come on these two days in Dresden and support us!

German Täter_innen are not victims. Nazi marches prevent. Historical revisionism . Attack No reconciliation with Germany.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Home Health Franchise Agreement Pdf

Hi Swing Kids, and Dardo Mario, "hello" Phax and "ciao" Big LeBasti ... We miss
you very much ..... Your
UNESCO course fans / intercultural communication.

Our event today was just wonderful MEETINGS. It has so much joy to our HARMONY IN DIVERSITY made before such a great audience show. The Ella Kappenber hall was absolutely crowded and the atmosphere great.
In Praise of Cultural Minister Dr. Paulenz has also done well. The visit of so many students of Wilhelm Kaisen UNESCO school from Bremen has strengthened the cohesion of the UNESCO-schools as well. Everyone was so happy and there are a lot of feedback with very many thanks for this harmonious and content such important event. We will miss you all very much!
PEACE by your EachOneTeachOne `s

The "meetings" were a great thing. It was fun with everyone. Hello to all! Participants. Everyone has made some effort. It was almost all by itself cool music good lyrics. All together just fine!
Armando and Richie from the Swing Kids

The meeting was very good. It has given me a lot of fun together with our band, the rappers, Phax, Dardo Mario and develop the sounds together.
Samuel "The Drummer" and Maurice "The Bassman"

On Thursday we go, I wish all artists, for that you are now, all the best for the concert. Already have
after a few practice days showed her how well you rap can see, all were good and all the songs and beats are really really cool and have feeling.
So we pack up on Thursday! We look forward to the dancers!
Dardo and Mario

The project meetings was very nice. Music and dancing are always fun. Above all, if you arbeitet.Das together on something we made and we have all done well!
Greetings Julia and Jeremy!

I am delighted to join all so beautiful. I am also impressed with where we are today. All rappers and rappers come more and more on the level that we need for the stage;)
The Swing Kids can also only be fresh. So, to all who have a bit scared on 29 Jan to be on stage. We do this together and give and the necessary energy;)
Big LeBasti

Here again, many thanks to Liz Mohn
cultural and musical foundation that enables us to such a project in HARMONY-
diversity. What words do not often-he
is reachable, comes about through the harmony of music and dance
. It can now be said that in the creative processes of our
no matter where someone comes or how he or she is pigmented,
which religion belongs to someone or a lifestyle
is lived! Important is the artistic Beitrag, das Engage-
ment und auch die Selbstdisziplin und das Streben nach einem
vielfältigen, gemeinsamen Resultat. YES WE CAN !
Ein sinnerfülltes und und friedvolles neues Jahr mit viel Schaffens-
kraft und und Mut für Neues wünscht euch allen ...
Anne Schmeckies

Als ich von dem Projekt erfahren habe, habe ich erst gedacht " Na, das wird ja was.", aber nun freue ich mich schon richtig auf den 29. Januar, wo wir endlich unsere Ergebnisse präsentieren dürfen. Respekt auch an die Swing Kids... besonders Richy ist cool ... mit 8 oder 9 Jahren schon so Geige spielen zu können ... aber alle haben großes Talent bei dem was sie machen... Egal ob Klavier, Bass oder Schlagzeug... Ich wünschte ich könnte das auch.*lach*
Na ja, freue mich schon auf die nächsten Proben und natürlich auf den 29. Januar... also ich hoffe ihr kommt alle. ;-)

Ich finde diesen Workshop super. Die Texte hören sich richtig toll an und die Musik von den Swing Kids auch. Das Breakdancen ist jetzt voll spitze. Freue mich auf den 29. Januar! Wird ein richtig geiler Auftritt von uns allen!!

Ich finde dass das Projekt etwas echt Gutes ist, weil solche Projekte werden nicht oft an Schulen gemacht! Ich finde so etwas sollte öfters passieren! Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf den 29. Januar
Peace an ALLE!

At this point I want to thank again all definitely interested in what Hip Hop has to offer outside of Bushido and solid.
The Breakdance group definitely has been through good and placed a respectable result about!
From what I have heard from the Rebbe (rappers) nor mitgekriegt I must say even that sounded in any case, rhythmic and texts which include the meaning of Hip Hop.
Keep on people!
Elias / Escaflow

I initially had a little respect for the project, but now the tide has turned. To me it makes a lot of fun and I'm happy to present project on 29.01.2009 with. I especially admire the Swing Kids as young and already so much talent, I am amazed every single time. The homepage is also successful super good.

The workshop is simply top notch! The Mukke is great and we make good progress! All experts do a great job and are very helpful! I hope the appearance will be a great success!
Nils 2hh07 / 4

I am already back on our test tomorrow. The "Encounters" is a really good thing. Everything works according to our motto "Each One Teach One". The concert on 29 January will certainly be really cool. Greetings go to all involved.
DJ Phax Mulder

I find the project very well. It's a nice atmosphere, relaxed and interesting. I look forward to the concert and the sound sound like it is.
Dardo Balke

The "encounter" I think is a cool Sache.Mir makes it fun and I hope that is so weiter.Am first I thought that I is not so pleased. But now I'm begeistert.Die people are super nice and all, I hope that our appearance really good wird.Ich am pleased that the Swing Kids to help us. Joana G.

Faxxxxxx Hay and co .... : D
The site is cool geworden.Ja, respect!!
Determined a cool show on 01/29;)
Faruk Dellabaci and Yasoo Styla

Hey! I find it totally cool that we do this project "Encounters" and so many people participate in this project include the Swing Kids. I look forward to the 01/29/2009, when we will present our project results! :-)

In our project, meetings are held actual meetings.
I am impressed by the commitment of the students of the elective course, UNESCO and the HH 07 / 7 The musical skills of SWING KIDS is incredible. Likewise, their discipline now seamlessly after 6 hours of instruction in their schools with the EachOneTeachOneCrew and KLA-students continue to go to the start.
The results will speak for themselves!
Presented on Thursday, 29 January 2009, from 13:20 h to 14.50 h in Ella Kappenberg Hall of Friedrich Schiller house.
RESPECT to you all Anne (Schmeckies)

Monday, December 1, 2008

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hundred lives. Memories of a German Sinto

The core group of the project MEETINGS ( UNESCO course of KLA ) is about Leidesweg the 84 year-old Mr Ewald Hanstein very moved.

Mr. Hanstein Bremer is chairman of the Sinti and Roma Association and is active for 30 years "against forgetting." We have a great respect for his work, and in his humanity and see him as a role model that people can enter with a clear mind and a view down to a great age for the good in the world. We will never forget the stories of Lord Hanstein never and are grateful that we could meet on the occasion of his reading on 13:11:08 Bremerhaven in this great old man.

How To Transport Clothes To Mexico From U.s.

images of the samples

Here you can see some pictures of the samples from last Thursday!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Angela Devi Blog Archive

communism as steel bath

"Why I'm for communism? This freezers used for food again! "
How was that even in the relationship between the productive forces of capitalism?
And how many "Derrmosgannen" soft ice cream can be bought for a euro? "
These and other issues move the National Bolsheviks Dresdner Group" Veritas "and its protagonist, Hans-Jürgen Westphal.
The 57-year-old has been over ten years of Communist propaganda deals where, armed with a red flag, the first one of the party newspaper, sold after 1990 re-established "KPD` s "and their own literature. He was later expelled from the very same "KPD", but what it did not prevent further in-house advertising, but especially for "the cause" of communism, of course, operate in the colors of the GDR. Westphal writes their own stories and making his comrades "communist art" that is primarily traditional cover songs, German, working song good and original compositions about love at home, so the GDR, the country and the never-ending struggle against the "bourgeoisie"
Westphal can be as "Dresden original" means, recognizable, he has now some awareness is reached, such as the "organ grinder" John Schalk, the Dresden "Stollen" or the "bridge figure".

is nonetheless Westphal, his group and their propaganda for the terrible, East German symbiosis of rejection of modernity and the West, love confessions to the offensive nature, home and past, as well as the associated social and intellectual decline.
Especially the latter can be very beautiful in Youtube Channel "veritas dresden" be considered.
Here you find videographic treats the group as a song about the " victory of communism " displayed in front of the Dresden Semper Opera, " young world - the best daily newspaper in Germany " and the multi-part group discussion simulation Why for communism "come from the above quotations.
were so close to comedy and tragedy rare.


for communism? Part1

Sieg des Kommunismus

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Dog Has Flaky Skin On Back

visit the memorial Mittelbau Dora

Statement by Karin (16) Cafeteria project KLA

impresses me the lead through the countryside and in the tunnels of the
Mittelbau Dora concentration camp memorial lot.
The people of such activities in a position to understand I can not. Nevertheless, the parties have not given up. In the crematorium painted flowers were visible. This has stirred me.

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workshop participants of the 2-year-old business school 07 / 7

hilarious! 2HH 07 / 7 pupils after successful Lyric and break dance workshops at the KLA.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Newborn Flem After Milk

B-Boying break action!

Good energy for the following school hours preparing the B `Boyz group
Escaflow and multi-talented Big LeBasti (rapper EachOneTeachOneCrew)
during a break in action at Trading colleges .

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Age Of Empires Rome Expansion Free Full

Anstehende Änderung für Paragleiter in Österreich!

Something's happening in Austria! If everything fits, is the requirement of approval from us soon history

Posted by Oeac
release of ÖAeC - FAA,
technology HG / PG

Dear pilots, stewards, developers / producers, maintenance operators and distributors of air sports division HG / PG and motorized HG / PG

The ÖAeC as a representative of air sports in Austria, among others also in engineering HG / PG (HG / PG - mot HG / PG) and his staff worked hard to comply with the trend and promote this effect changes and to implement them.

After long preparations and intensive negotiations with the BMVIT, it was possible to achieve a great success.

Dr. Reinhard Flatz, representative and chief negotiator of the "Austrian Aero-Clubs“, hat in einer Besprechung am 10. Nov. 2008 mit den Verantwortlichen des BMVIT
in Wien, einen Durchbruch unseres Bestrebens einer Deregulierung der behördlichen Auflagen gemäß ZLLV 2005 unseres Flugsportes im Bereich Technik HG/PG erzielt.

Folgende Änderungen stehen vor der Verwirklichung:

Hänge- und Paragleiter:

Es erfolgt eine gänzliche Entbürokratisierung für einsitzige, mehrsitzige und gewerbliche Hänge– und Paragleiter, wie auch Fallschirme. Es entfallen somit Musterprüfungen, Stückprüfungen und Nachprüfungen.

Motorisierte Hänge- und Paragleiter:

Es erfolgte auch here the extensive bureaucracy of the analog motorless paragliders and hang gliders.
The new definition allows a start / landing aid that is not permanently connected to the suspension or paragliding.
For an engine may be used only foot-launched paragliders and hang gliders.
The mass of an aviation tool must not exceed 120 kg.

What remains is a permit from the mot HG / PG system at the first use in Austria, as well as compliance with the 2-year review period.

It tries to realize the amendment to the ZLLV until the start of the new flight season 2009

Here Point again many thanks to Dr. Reinhard Flatz, the results of our negotiating rounds in ÖAeC summarized it for presentation brought maturity, submitted to the Federal Ministry and also eventually led the negotiations with the representatives of the BMVIT.

Dr Reinhard Flatz up to the critical analysis, and perform up to the publication of the novel ZLLV the negotiations and for adjustments and adaptations in the interaction with the agents of the BMVIT.

A thanks also to the competent and responsible individuals and agents in BMVIT.

At this point, I remind you again to my motto: "Only together we are strong." Therefore, support with your membership to the Austrian Aeroclub.

circular envelopes of frustrated people and so-called "know-alls" bring nothing to create uncertainties and the only damage our efforts, the best for our Aviation extract.

case arising questions and wishes, can still be the team technique HG / PG with advice and support.


wire HG / PG - mot HG + PG

William Stocker

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Selling My Ps2 How Much

continuité et cassure

In Dresden Orte zu finden die an die nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit der Stadt und die Verfolgung und Vertreibung der JüdInnen erinnern ist ein schwieriges Unterfangen.
Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen gibt es keine Denkmäler oder bekannte und erkennbare „ Orte der Erinnerung “. Die wenige die es gibt sind oft erst nach 1989 auf Initiative Weniger entstanden.
Zudem sind die Zeugnisse der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft bzw. deren Entstehung and coming in Dresden hardly known in the public consciousness.

are ubiquitous billboards on the other hand for a screening of the film " Dresden as it once was . These are historical film footage of Dresden before the bombing in 1945 from the years 1930, however, that should show the "beautiful history" of Dresden.

This is an example for dealing with the past in this city and the expression of post-Nazi continuity has shaped substantially by the barely altered narrative history of the victims of the "February 13" the public consciousness.
change has taken place in this respect in recent years, only in part. The confrontation with the past, and a memorial sites and witness Kenntlichmachungvon sites of National Socialism remained essentially individual initiatives (such as the Association Hatikva ) and subject to interested individuals.

appeared in September as the "Historical Guide 1933-1945" by Hartmut Ellrich the very places comprising the Nazi persecution and domination names and describes. It is to know about the whole, according to the National Socialist model designed spaces, such as king shores are still preserved. (See the description under this link and related pages.)

That this is not a "taboo" everything is has to do with it, it in Dresden is now de rigueur on the " history" of the "13 February to refer "to be so vehemently claim the memory of the bombing. However, the
is actively in the history of National Socialism and anti-Semitic persecution interested, leave this role as far as possible and they find little attention, because the good tone just makes the music, but hardly ever serious about.
THIS MUST BE 2008 in the local paper "Saxon newspaper published the following, which was formulated earlier than the Antifa:

" It is a band full of surprises, even for connoisseurs of the city history. In the chapter "City", "suburbs" and "surrounding area" divided out the leader with countless pictures and text the reader to the extent still visible traces of the city's history during the Nazi era.
to places with sufficiently well-known past as the Hygiene Museum, the former "Adolf Hitler" and today's "theater space," the former "Jewish home" at the Bautzener Straße. Aber auch an Stellen, deren einstige Nutzung heute kaum noch bekannt ist: zum Studentenwohnheim Güntzstraße, vormals Sammellager für Juden. Ans Königsufer, früher Massenaufmarschplatz. Zum Goehle-Werk, dessen Hochbunker noch stehen. Zum Schloss Hirschstein, wo Belgiens Königsfamilie interniert wurde.

Eine spannende und erhellende Lektüre, die neugierig macht, die Vergangenheit der Stadt neu zu entdecken. Ohne Schaum, aber auch ohne Blatt vorm Mund geschrieben.

Die Kapitel über die intensive rüstungsindustrielle und militärische Nutzung zahlloser Objekte wie Taschenbergpalais und Albertinum, das geplante Gauforum, die Frauenkirche als Dom der NS-hörigen Deutschen Christians, it all helps to destroy a myth here, unfortunately, still effective.
"Dresden was not an innocent art and cultural city," says Hartmut Ellrich. And, with a smile. "I hope that I will not now driven out of town"
fact, authors such as Ellrich not driven out of town which probably would be a few years ago was a legitimate concern. Instead, they are essentially ignored today.

" There are in fact only two ways: no final reconciliation with the past or the constant, ie in constant Discussion of executive break with her. "
Moshe Postone, 1985

the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the pogroms of the 09th November 1938 a similar, very interesting project "audio script" were presented.
what was, in a dozen audio recordings, by which places of Nazi persecution in Dresden can be explored. The concept and the posts were created in a year's work.

The project group writes:
" audio script for the persecution and extermination of Jews in Dresden 1933-1945 allows 13 tracks in a discussion of (city) historical, philosophical and artistic discourses of Shoa. The listener will find a city tour to places of exemplary anti-Semitic persecution in National Socialism and its contemporary reception. (...)

is always highlighted the history of each place and the crimes took place there. On the specific location also serve two coordinates of the debate: the individual is suffering from autobiographical material of the survivors against the local history of hegemonic discourse strong. The korrenspondiert suffered with quotes a critical theory that historicized Auschwitz, but marked as a break with civilization and the starting point of any philosophical consideration makes.
The order and the way the guide can be customized and run on the new synagogue, with former" Jewish houses ", the" SS-Mullah school and to places of forced labor, death marches and the "Jewish camp Heller Mountain.

The tracks and a map can be found on the website of the project download audio script .

Monday, November 3, 2008

High School Panty Models

Spälti Wandkalender 2009

Spälti The AG 2009 is the first time put together a wall calendar for my impressions of paragliding. Including of course different pictures of the Spälti - ADVANCE OMEGA 7 team.

The calendar will be delivered soon and the flight schools are available. From five specimens, the wall calendar in the live Spälti AG be purchased - the price is CHF 15 .-. Any gain from the sale comes directly to the sport of paragliding good.

Here is a preview of some pictures from the calendar:

(Photos: Alain Zenger)

Next pictures for example, from Chrigel Maurer or Petsch Neuenschwander the acro- flies.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Best Drinks To Order In Domin

Intra-left navel gazing around discussions on dealing with the anniversary of the Left the bombing of Dresden on 13-14. February 1945 continues.
There is an additional response to a critic in the newspaper of the AZ Conni "ctrl_f" appeared, text "left truths".
Want to read these texts is referred to the side of the group Black Monday.
place where the first text of "Ralf": "Left truths?" , and the answer of group Black Monday: "The wicked history".
The continuation of the debate, entitled "left lying" is fully documented.

left lying
Antwort auf Ralf

Nachdem schon in der ersten Ausgabe dieser Zeitung dem Aufruf zum 13. Februar aus fadenscheinigen Gründen der Abdruck verweigert wurde, wird nun schon deutlicher welche Ansichten im Kreis der HerausgeberInnen vertreten werden.

Der Text von Ralf aus der 3. Ausgabe dieser Zeitung verschlägt einem glatt die Sprache. Er verspricht „ herrschaftskritische Anmerkungen zur linken Debatte um den 13. Februar (Dieses und alle folgenden mit R. gekennzeichneten Zitate entstammen dem Text., „Linke Wahrheiten?“ von Ralf aus der ctrl_f Nr.3).

Zum Thema 13.Februar von Herrschaftskritik zu schwafeln und „ eine eigenständige, linke Kritik auch am Verhalten der Alliierten “ (R.) zu fordern, ist nun in ungefähr so originell, wie wenn das Gespräch auf Israel kommt, auf eine Kritik von Staatlichkeit und Militärs zu insistieren. Darin und auch im weiteren Verlauf seiner „Anmerkungen“, offenbart sich die Unfähigkeit zwischen Besonderem und Allgemeinem zu unterscheiden und beides ins Verhältnis zu setzen – das nur am Rande.

Originell ist seine Forderung auch deswegen nicht, weil die jüngere Geschichte des 13. Februar in Dresden sehr anschaulich zeigte wie es aussieht wenn Leute aus dieser Motivation heraus praktisch werden und zur Tat schreiten. Since the 60s, there was no public in Dresden "memory". Up to 1982 people from the left, opposition peace movement from the same motivation to the idea came out same as Ralf said on 13 February run of domination and military criticism and must be assembled for that purpose before the ruins of the Frauenkirche.

The consequences are well known: a few years later jumped church, city and citizens - that is what is now called civil society - on board and took over the control of this reactionary movement. And soon was in the Palace of Culture, a well-known Holocaust deniers to spread the invitation of the city, his theses.

short and bad: It was the Nazis created a climate in which they can feel comfortable and not to expect resistance. The
Ralf now actually one of the reasons that led to the disgusting conditions, as medicine praises, however, only shows his complete disregard of reality, especially of those who is to be found in Dresden.

The absurdity operate pacifism, which is of course an implicit claim of Ralf's text is, in the confrontation with the Nazis all too well. (But even with Islamofascism, thinks so: " You love life - we love death ".)
you the truth now anyway re lie and make the lie to the truth, should be of course the post-modern discourse-theoretical talk, in his characteristic style, he separation between the " then affected as victims contemporaries " (R.) on the one hand, which he concedes graciously about the defeats of the looking forward to Germans, and today's left a "(R.) on the other hand, imports. have

These specially ignored left kind of draw a line policy, which live on the circumstances that led to Auschwitz. So an economy, which does its very nature, the people with their appendages, whose appearance, however, in the consciousness the individual fetish, reflected as an ideology. It also ignores the dangers of these ideologies, especially in the Islamic world's most virulent anti-Semitic display, up to date.

But on with the text: Because " the parties (...) today under the pressure of defense against a polarized political system to destruction (stand) " (R) - as if there were no political Islam, as if there were not this the constant promise to destroy Israel, and as if its protagonists do not intentionally puts into practice what they tell everyone who will listen: the construction of nuclear bombs, the terror of Hezbollah and the Palestinians - " it must be possible to formulate an independent left-wing criticism and the conduct of the Allies " (R.).

to conduct self-criticism instead of analyzing the failure of the Left in the face of Nazism and draw the appropriate conclusions, which include should, just on 13 February, and aware that especially in the anti-Americanism, the national community (as well as the Ummah) to itself is that worthy of citizens of the United States very well thanks, but that have carried out and pursue what is actually right the Left: that anti-fascism. Those fighting words - if it be must also militant - still want to fall behind the freedoms and impositions of civil society.

instead - if it's not the marginal left itself creates the barbarism oppose something serious and currently provide and will not, because they prefer collaborating with the enemies of freedom - in solidarity with those to be defending the Enlightenment nor to those which it is negative To cancel, is only for Ralf clear that there can be no "war civilization" (R.). Although the recent history of Germany shows just the opposite.

The teaching of the Germans in Auschwitz is the wrong way. Because this is yes known just not " Never again fascism, never again National Socialism! "but" Never again war! ", and in its consequence:" Never again war against fascism ! . The disaster was not the murder of their Jewish neighbors, of which it operates, but rather the resettlement of the Germans ("expulsion"), the breakdown of civilization is not the smoking chimneys of Auschwitz, but the bombing of Dresden.

This, based on a myth of victimization, pacifism makes a substantial part of the self-understanding of post-Nazi From Germany. A pacifism that arose in opposition to the U.S. and Israel, which he criticized for making unilateral and military to enforce their interests. Interests of political and economic nature, which, under the unreasonable whole, sensible and education are required and be contrary to the irrationality and delusion of those to whom the friends of peace have Recalling that Israel and the U.S. also that the construction of Nuclear Non-reciprocal basis. This pacifism throughout the world, has taken up the oh-so refined and Germany tried to EU or UN forces to.

Today it is the appeasement policy of the Europeans and in particular Germany (Das nebenbei bemerkt größter Handelspartner des Irans ist.), ihr „kritischer Dialog“ – statt effektive Sanktionen zu verhängen und alle nichtmilitärischen Mittel zu nutzen um Druck auszuüben und denn Iran vom Atomwaffenbau abzubringen – der einen Angriff auf den Iran erst notwendig machen.

Es gilt sich klarzumachen: Islamismus und Pazifismus sind deutsche Ideologie auf der Höhe der Zeit. Während die einen den Krieg gegen die Juden und den Westen gewaltsam führen, halten die anderen ihnen aus Antiamerikanismus, Antisemitismus oder bestenfalls grenzenloser Ignoranz und Naivität den Rücken frei. Ihre Einigkeit in der Ablehnung und Dämonisierung der USA und Israels, korresprondiert with its rejection of individual freedom. By freedom they only understand the indigenous collectives of the "Americanized" the West, the Enlightenment and civilization.

From these reasons, not the task of emancipating the left, the Germans in their faith, their victimization and their resulting desire for peace - only peace with the poor conditions as they are, and peace with those who fight for who want even more terrible means to encourage, but it must be to the right at 13 - February, in an extreme way of attacking display myths and ideologies.

So rather than "military critique " (R.) to operate, it is pacifism, Apeasementpolitk and the anti-American and anti-Semitic peace movement to denounce the German ideology that is in its post-Nazi form.
Is it the Germans in general and the people of Dresden in particular, hold time and again what Eike Geisel wrote: "With the constant (...), Note that Germany has, because of its own history and a special global responsibility for peace, is above all a German achievement in recent history to help people forget: the fact the only German contribution to civilization in the 20th Century is the war as a policy is not just abolished but to the contrary, they made him as a champion of humanity at all possible. " (Eike Geisel, The Banality of Good, 1992, p. 121).

who also like Ralf in his text, repeatedly " rule " and the urgent need as they criticize without concrete depending what is meant to rule - without having to show so this is not personal regimes, but the apersonelle rule of the law of value, an economic relation that shapes social reality penetrates, and makes that his logic, and any reproduction of a product und dazu gehört bekanntlich auch die Arbeitskraft, kauft oder verkauft - der muss sich den Vorwurf gefallen lassen, die Verhältnisse zu verschleiern statt aufzuklären.

Der muss sich den Vorwurf gefallen lassen, in den antisemitischen Kanon einzustimmen der hierzulande von links bis rechts gesungen wird und der notwendig in die Barbarei führt. Denn unter welcher Herrschaft die Deutschen sich und jene Völker und Banden, mit denen sie sich verbünden und solidarisieren, wähnen, ist offensichtlich: das gewissenlose internationale Finanzkapital (die sogenannten Heuschrecken), die Wallstreet, Amerika, die Juden und ihr Staat – Israel.
(Zur Verbreitung des Antisemitismus in Deutschland and Europe, see: W. Heitmeyer (Ed.): German states, Episode 2 Frankfurt / Main (Suhrkamp) 2003, Euro-barometer, . htm 2008; EUMC - Study "Manifestations of anti-Semitism in the European Union - First Semester 2002-Synthesis Report, Vienna 2003)

applies here: do not say which of the critique of political economy and this economy adequate ideologies wants to silence criticism of power.

this ideological brew still conclude with a quotation from Adorno, which in its context, from which it was broken, the opposite of what Ralf said in his Text calls and claims is bold.

Adorno wrote: "Hitler has the people in the state of their lack of freedom imposed a new categorical imperative: to think and act way so that Auschwitz not repeat anything similar happening. " (Negative Dialectics, Frankfurt am Main 1966, p.358).

This is not a call for social revolution in order to reach the liberated, self-conscious society, and certainly it is not suitable to support Ralf's remarks, but an invitation, aware of the current impossibility of emancipation of the people - the "the object of their lack of freedom" rather than just emancipation, rather choose reaction and barbarism - the worst - "Auschwitz" - to prevent, to keep open the possibility of a society "in which one without fear can be different " (Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 116, Frankfurt am Main, 1951) ultimately reach at all can.

This company is also in contrast to the highly held by Ralf " inalienable equality of all people (R.), the supposedly" always originary concern leftist politics "(R.) was. What they bourgeois of equality, of equality in exchange and the law is different, remains open. Yet reflected in the demand for equality, albeit unintentionally, the will to the collective and the negation of the individual again as is typical for the German ideology.
And since Ralf already Adorno brings into play is allowing me to reply him with Adorno: "An emancipated society (...) would be the achievement of the general in the reconciliation of the differences. Policy, it came in an emergency or should, so the abstract equality of people not even as an idea propagated . " (Adorno, Minima Moralia, p.116).

instead offers to deliver as promised, the text notes "left truths?" Aware only vague hints and whispers.
It is not an attempt to position themselves to evade any criticism. A stand out from the, without question, miserable reality and keep out, to create out of there, " for specific instruments, ... to invent their own language (R.), the conditions can be disguised, that the peace activists the world does not come staggering in, which will not break with that nonsense needs to Ralf holds for left and up to date, unfortunately, the left actually represents. This can einen mehr oder weniger deutlichen Blick auf das dahinter liegende Denken bzw. Nichtdenken zu.
Die von ihm geforderte „ Absage an staatliche Realpolitik “ (R.) ist in ihrer Konsequenz eine Absage an Israel und dessen Notwendigkeit.
Sie zeigt, das Ralf weder vom Antisemitismus noch von der mörderischen Form der Krisenbewältigung, wie sie in Deutschland durchgeführt wurde, etwas verstanden hat.

Statt Kritik, die ihm ja vorgeblich am Herzen liegt, zu schärfen, statt dazu beizutragen sich einen Begriff von der Sache zu machen, offenbart sich die Verweigerung vor den Anstrengungen und Konsequenzen, die mit einen zuende denken seiner „Anmerkungen“ und Fragen verbunden wäre.
would then also clear that what Ralf as domination-critical comments "means nothing more than a collection of assumptions, contradictions and lies - German ideology par excellence - is to list the full and to refute first beyond the scope and would Second, would mean to bring Ralf's "comments" in the status of the worth discussing, so they upgrade unnecessarily.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dyeing Only Gray Hair

Kein Wetterglück für die Jungfrau Stafette

On 4 October, the second edition of the Virgin couriers revival conducted. Already in the 1930s, this relay with a variety of disciplines across was through Switzerland.

this year, provided 13 sections - one of them just with the Paragliding from the Eggishorn Fiescheralp.

The weather forecasts were for a long time not too good. So I'm already up Borchen with little hope to Fiesch. On Friday evening, the weather looked better then than expected and it sprang to some hope. This was shattered at the first view from the window on Saturday abruptly. Many clouds, rain and wind. We started then at 7.00 in Schaffhausen with the road racing track, followed by a 9km long run. At the time, was already clear that the stage with the historic flight See Dübendorf held Jungfraujoch could not (for our team this was very good, because our aircraft is not due to bad weather during the week could be transferred from the Ticino to the start ).

At 10.00 the briefing was announced on the Eggishorn. There is usually no launch site (who was already there, knows why ;-)). However, there was already on the Fiescheralp dense snow. The Eggishorn even this was of course no better. But Gelitscheirmpiloten're incorrigible Optimists, and so we held the briefing in the thick snow off anyway. Soon it became clear that the stages of the Aletsch Glacier (glacier skiing and running) could not take place. Too much snow and wind. Thus came then at 11.00 the definitive rejection of the Gelitschirmstart.

Then I went to the hill-country skiers and downhill mountain bikers. Both were not to be envied. The downhill course was very difficult because of the fresh snow and some drivers probably spent more time lying on the ground than on the bike then followed the steps of the historic bikes, a kayak, the vintage cars and last but not time a running track.

Our team (SB Racing Team Basilensis) was during the entire course on the 14th good Placeholder.

Despite the bad weather was the reason a huge experience and I hope I the next time with better conditions can be there again!

More info ...

My thanks here goes to our team boss Stevie Bruges for the great organization and great support! A Merci also to Advance's loans for the small schrim - after all, I wanted to be down soon!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Starbuck Hot Cocoa Caffeine

Namaste! Greetings from the roof of the world!

I hereby send you all Greetings from Kathmandu in nepal.
wir sind gestern ueber abu dhabi angekommen. wie es aussieht, haben wir glueck und bekommen voraussichtlich das visum fuer tibet - dann starten wir am 09.10. unsere reise zum heiligen berg kailash und dessen umrundung.

heute hatten wir eine runde sightseeing in kathamndu und morgen gehts zum rafting in den trisuli river. der geplante raft auf dem kali gandaki ist leider durch den starken monsun nicht moeglich. der kali hat zur zeit schwierigkeitsstufe 5+ von 6 (6=unbefahrbar) - das wollen wir uns dann doch nicht antun.

anschliessend sind wir 2 tage in pokhara am fewa lake und dann geht es zurueck nach kathmandu bevor wir hoffentlich nach tibet starten koennen.

ganz liebe gruesse an alle
- heli

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What Frame Size Do I Need For A Go Kart

left lying on the anti-denglish ... The

Hi, Peter Jaensch and Dieter Kupsch from the German Language Association!

As I was reading in the newspaper Saxony, in Dresden you mistyped the fight against the foreign domination of our beautiful language by Anglicisms. As I see photos of you, Dieter Kupsch (78, pensioners, DSU), as they are wrong in mock desperation by the city and know nothing but English signage before did not know where you coming or going. In school, you had only learned Latin and Greek, you complain English is not. Ran through me shudder of compassion. But it's not just about their own difficulties in understanding, no, this is much more at stake: the German language. You predict your

"a lonely death, a defeat against the hegemony of English words."
Read more via Saxroyal: "Hi, Peter Jaensch and Dieter Kupsch from the German Language Association"

Friday, September 12, 2008

Template One-page Wedding Program

End of modesty

drives a bizzare province Posse Dresden's local parliament and the accompanying political operation on the occasion of the anniversary of anti-Semitic mass murder of the 11 September 2001.

At the meeting of the City Council on 11 September 2008 requested the members of the " National Alliance `" Wolfgang Schwarz a minute of silence for the victims of the "September 11th" to hold and caused quite the, well hoped scandal.

Members of the National Alliance `" in Dresden, along with mascots.

the rather dumb, models of NPD offshoot in the Dresden city council can hardly be assumed to feel very much empathy for " dead Americans." Rather, these people and their red-brown combatants rather close to "American dominance "To agitate and to the majority opinion advanced the long conspiracy to" ruminate on every occasion to the green fascism in the character of the Koran as "9 / 11 just to glorify resistance.
find After all, in Germany, no commemoration of the 11th September, neither German, Muslim, and place and certainly not by Nazi organizations. Under this impression is the German press, the commemorative events in the U.S. from essentially unresponsive. In the Dresden City Council was at any rate so far no one, including the " democratic groups," on the idea of a minute of silence at the 11th to apply for September, because these are not interested in " dead Americans" have.

moved Nevertheless, the well-to be heard muttering " about the true background of the 11th September "under one, according to the German mind, felt taboo.
This taboo that none is refracted as it constantly, and this is hardly outrageous must be accepted as an essential reason why the application of the "National Alliance ` "by a majority of councilors Dresdner was approved.
Nevertheless, one has here, in Dresden, where the collective consciousness of much of the stories about the " 13th February "shaped, is something in it when it comes to" war and to remember tyranny. " According to this logic were a few years ago equated the attack on the Twin Towers with the Allied bombing raid on Nazi Dresden in World War II or, though, this is rather dated, always dirty, popularly suggested that the "September 11" as a late but just punishment for interpretation.

The minute's silence was in any case in accordance with, a majority of the City Council rubber-stamped because held without substance, application, and the Group of "Green " then left the room. The "National Alliance " rejoiced, as has been acknowledged for the first time one of their applications, which is willing to open a cause for scandal to the reputation of the "democratic consensus" .
The Left Party is now threatening the Members of Parliament and Councillor Ronald Weckesser with expulsion from the Group, while the local CDU official Michael Kretschmar on the " Überrumplungstaktik " of the Nazis referred, the Greens' party political instrumentalization "accused and the approval of this request now for a "mistake " holds.

Weiterführende Links zum siebenten Jahrestag des 11. September 2001:
Lizas Welt: "Die Logik der Feinde"
Riotpropaganda: "Remember 9/11"
Nichtidentisches über die kulturindustrielle Verarbeitung: "Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11 vs. Flight93"
Comite liberte: "Rembember 9-11 - Remember Ground zero"

plus: One tribute video