Sunday, October 12, 2008

Best Drinks To Order In Domin

Intra-left navel gazing around discussions on dealing with the anniversary of the Left the bombing of Dresden on 13-14. February 1945 continues.
There is an additional response to a critic in the newspaper of the AZ Conni "ctrl_f" appeared, text "left truths".
Want to read these texts is referred to the side of the group Black Monday.
place where the first text of "Ralf": "Left truths?" , and the answer of group Black Monday: "The wicked history".
The continuation of the debate, entitled "left lying" is fully documented.

left lying
Antwort auf Ralf

Nachdem schon in der ersten Ausgabe dieser Zeitung dem Aufruf zum 13. Februar aus fadenscheinigen Gründen der Abdruck verweigert wurde, wird nun schon deutlicher welche Ansichten im Kreis der HerausgeberInnen vertreten werden.

Der Text von Ralf aus der 3. Ausgabe dieser Zeitung verschlägt einem glatt die Sprache. Er verspricht „ herrschaftskritische Anmerkungen zur linken Debatte um den 13. Februar (Dieses und alle folgenden mit R. gekennzeichneten Zitate entstammen dem Text., „Linke Wahrheiten?“ von Ralf aus der ctrl_f Nr.3).

Zum Thema 13.Februar von Herrschaftskritik zu schwafeln und „ eine eigenständige, linke Kritik auch am Verhalten der Alliierten “ (R.) zu fordern, ist nun in ungefähr so originell, wie wenn das Gespräch auf Israel kommt, auf eine Kritik von Staatlichkeit und Militärs zu insistieren. Darin und auch im weiteren Verlauf seiner „Anmerkungen“, offenbart sich die Unfähigkeit zwischen Besonderem und Allgemeinem zu unterscheiden und beides ins Verhältnis zu setzen – das nur am Rande.

Originell ist seine Forderung auch deswegen nicht, weil die jüngere Geschichte des 13. Februar in Dresden sehr anschaulich zeigte wie es aussieht wenn Leute aus dieser Motivation heraus praktisch werden und zur Tat schreiten. Since the 60s, there was no public in Dresden "memory". Up to 1982 people from the left, opposition peace movement from the same motivation to the idea came out same as Ralf said on 13 February run of domination and military criticism and must be assembled for that purpose before the ruins of the Frauenkirche.

The consequences are well known: a few years later jumped church, city and citizens - that is what is now called civil society - on board and took over the control of this reactionary movement. And soon was in the Palace of Culture, a well-known Holocaust deniers to spread the invitation of the city, his theses.

short and bad: It was the Nazis created a climate in which they can feel comfortable and not to expect resistance. The
Ralf now actually one of the reasons that led to the disgusting conditions, as medicine praises, however, only shows his complete disregard of reality, especially of those who is to be found in Dresden.

The absurdity operate pacifism, which is of course an implicit claim of Ralf's text is, in the confrontation with the Nazis all too well. (But even with Islamofascism, thinks so: " You love life - we love death ".)
you the truth now anyway re lie and make the lie to the truth, should be of course the post-modern discourse-theoretical talk, in his characteristic style, he separation between the " then affected as victims contemporaries " (R.) on the one hand, which he concedes graciously about the defeats of the looking forward to Germans, and today's left a "(R.) on the other hand, imports. have

These specially ignored left kind of draw a line policy, which live on the circumstances that led to Auschwitz. So an economy, which does its very nature, the people with their appendages, whose appearance, however, in the consciousness the individual fetish, reflected as an ideology. It also ignores the dangers of these ideologies, especially in the Islamic world's most virulent anti-Semitic display, up to date.

But on with the text: Because " the parties (...) today under the pressure of defense against a polarized political system to destruction (stand) " (R) - as if there were no political Islam, as if there were not this the constant promise to destroy Israel, and as if its protagonists do not intentionally puts into practice what they tell everyone who will listen: the construction of nuclear bombs, the terror of Hezbollah and the Palestinians - " it must be possible to formulate an independent left-wing criticism and the conduct of the Allies " (R.).

to conduct self-criticism instead of analyzing the failure of the Left in the face of Nazism and draw the appropriate conclusions, which include should, just on 13 February, and aware that especially in the anti-Americanism, the national community (as well as the Ummah) to itself is that worthy of citizens of the United States very well thanks, but that have carried out and pursue what is actually right the Left: that anti-fascism. Those fighting words - if it be must also militant - still want to fall behind the freedoms and impositions of civil society.

instead - if it's not the marginal left itself creates the barbarism oppose something serious and currently provide and will not, because they prefer collaborating with the enemies of freedom - in solidarity with those to be defending the Enlightenment nor to those which it is negative To cancel, is only for Ralf clear that there can be no "war civilization" (R.). Although the recent history of Germany shows just the opposite.

The teaching of the Germans in Auschwitz is the wrong way. Because this is yes known just not " Never again fascism, never again National Socialism! "but" Never again war! ", and in its consequence:" Never again war against fascism ! . The disaster was not the murder of their Jewish neighbors, of which it operates, but rather the resettlement of the Germans ("expulsion"), the breakdown of civilization is not the smoking chimneys of Auschwitz, but the bombing of Dresden.

This, based on a myth of victimization, pacifism makes a substantial part of the self-understanding of post-Nazi From Germany. A pacifism that arose in opposition to the U.S. and Israel, which he criticized for making unilateral and military to enforce their interests. Interests of political and economic nature, which, under the unreasonable whole, sensible and education are required and be contrary to the irrationality and delusion of those to whom the friends of peace have Recalling that Israel and the U.S. also that the construction of Nuclear Non-reciprocal basis. This pacifism throughout the world, has taken up the oh-so refined and Germany tried to EU or UN forces to.

Today it is the appeasement policy of the Europeans and in particular Germany (Das nebenbei bemerkt größter Handelspartner des Irans ist.), ihr „kritischer Dialog“ – statt effektive Sanktionen zu verhängen und alle nichtmilitärischen Mittel zu nutzen um Druck auszuüben und denn Iran vom Atomwaffenbau abzubringen – der einen Angriff auf den Iran erst notwendig machen.

Es gilt sich klarzumachen: Islamismus und Pazifismus sind deutsche Ideologie auf der Höhe der Zeit. Während die einen den Krieg gegen die Juden und den Westen gewaltsam führen, halten die anderen ihnen aus Antiamerikanismus, Antisemitismus oder bestenfalls grenzenloser Ignoranz und Naivität den Rücken frei. Ihre Einigkeit in der Ablehnung und Dämonisierung der USA und Israels, korresprondiert with its rejection of individual freedom. By freedom they only understand the indigenous collectives of the "Americanized" the West, the Enlightenment and civilization.

From these reasons, not the task of emancipating the left, the Germans in their faith, their victimization and their resulting desire for peace - only peace with the poor conditions as they are, and peace with those who fight for who want even more terrible means to encourage, but it must be to the right at 13 - February, in an extreme way of attacking display myths and ideologies.

So rather than "military critique " (R.) to operate, it is pacifism, Apeasementpolitk and the anti-American and anti-Semitic peace movement to denounce the German ideology that is in its post-Nazi form.
Is it the Germans in general and the people of Dresden in particular, hold time and again what Eike Geisel wrote: "With the constant (...), Note that Germany has, because of its own history and a special global responsibility for peace, is above all a German achievement in recent history to help people forget: the fact the only German contribution to civilization in the 20th Century is the war as a policy is not just abolished but to the contrary, they made him as a champion of humanity at all possible. " (Eike Geisel, The Banality of Good, 1992, p. 121).

who also like Ralf in his text, repeatedly " rule " and the urgent need as they criticize without concrete depending what is meant to rule - without having to show so this is not personal regimes, but the apersonelle rule of the law of value, an economic relation that shapes social reality penetrates, and makes that his logic, and any reproduction of a product und dazu gehört bekanntlich auch die Arbeitskraft, kauft oder verkauft - der muss sich den Vorwurf gefallen lassen, die Verhältnisse zu verschleiern statt aufzuklären.

Der muss sich den Vorwurf gefallen lassen, in den antisemitischen Kanon einzustimmen der hierzulande von links bis rechts gesungen wird und der notwendig in die Barbarei führt. Denn unter welcher Herrschaft die Deutschen sich und jene Völker und Banden, mit denen sie sich verbünden und solidarisieren, wähnen, ist offensichtlich: das gewissenlose internationale Finanzkapital (die sogenannten Heuschrecken), die Wallstreet, Amerika, die Juden und ihr Staat – Israel.
(Zur Verbreitung des Antisemitismus in Deutschland and Europe, see: W. Heitmeyer (Ed.): German states, Episode 2 Frankfurt / Main (Suhrkamp) 2003, Euro-barometer, . htm 2008; EUMC - Study "Manifestations of anti-Semitism in the European Union - First Semester 2002-Synthesis Report, Vienna 2003)

applies here: do not say which of the critique of political economy and this economy adequate ideologies wants to silence criticism of power.

this ideological brew still conclude with a quotation from Adorno, which in its context, from which it was broken, the opposite of what Ralf said in his Text calls and claims is bold.

Adorno wrote: "Hitler has the people in the state of their lack of freedom imposed a new categorical imperative: to think and act way so that Auschwitz not repeat anything similar happening. " (Negative Dialectics, Frankfurt am Main 1966, p.358).

This is not a call for social revolution in order to reach the liberated, self-conscious society, and certainly it is not suitable to support Ralf's remarks, but an invitation, aware of the current impossibility of emancipation of the people - the "the object of their lack of freedom" rather than just emancipation, rather choose reaction and barbarism - the worst - "Auschwitz" - to prevent, to keep open the possibility of a society "in which one without fear can be different " (Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 116, Frankfurt am Main, 1951) ultimately reach at all can.

This company is also in contrast to the highly held by Ralf " inalienable equality of all people (R.), the supposedly" always originary concern leftist politics "(R.) was. What they bourgeois of equality, of equality in exchange and the law is different, remains open. Yet reflected in the demand for equality, albeit unintentionally, the will to the collective and the negation of the individual again as is typical for the German ideology.
And since Ralf already Adorno brings into play is allowing me to reply him with Adorno: "An emancipated society (...) would be the achievement of the general in the reconciliation of the differences. Policy, it came in an emergency or should, so the abstract equality of people not even as an idea propagated . " (Adorno, Minima Moralia, p.116).

instead offers to deliver as promised, the text notes "left truths?" Aware only vague hints and whispers.
It is not an attempt to position themselves to evade any criticism. A stand out from the, without question, miserable reality and keep out, to create out of there, " for specific instruments, ... to invent their own language (R.), the conditions can be disguised, that the peace activists the world does not come staggering in, which will not break with that nonsense needs to Ralf holds for left and up to date, unfortunately, the left actually represents. This can einen mehr oder weniger deutlichen Blick auf das dahinter liegende Denken bzw. Nichtdenken zu.
Die von ihm geforderte „ Absage an staatliche Realpolitik “ (R.) ist in ihrer Konsequenz eine Absage an Israel und dessen Notwendigkeit.
Sie zeigt, das Ralf weder vom Antisemitismus noch von der mörderischen Form der Krisenbewältigung, wie sie in Deutschland durchgeführt wurde, etwas verstanden hat.

Statt Kritik, die ihm ja vorgeblich am Herzen liegt, zu schärfen, statt dazu beizutragen sich einen Begriff von der Sache zu machen, offenbart sich die Verweigerung vor den Anstrengungen und Konsequenzen, die mit einen zuende denken seiner „Anmerkungen“ und Fragen verbunden wäre.
would then also clear that what Ralf as domination-critical comments "means nothing more than a collection of assumptions, contradictions and lies - German ideology par excellence - is to list the full and to refute first beyond the scope and would Second, would mean to bring Ralf's "comments" in the status of the worth discussing, so they upgrade unnecessarily.


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