Friday, November 28, 2008

Angela Devi Blog Archive

communism as steel bath

"Why I'm for communism? This freezers used for food again! "
How was that even in the relationship between the productive forces of capitalism?
And how many "Derrmosgannen" soft ice cream can be bought for a euro? "
These and other issues move the National Bolsheviks Dresdner Group" Veritas "and its protagonist, Hans-Jürgen Westphal.
The 57-year-old has been over ten years of Communist propaganda deals where, armed with a red flag, the first one of the party newspaper, sold after 1990 re-established "KPD` s "and their own literature. He was later expelled from the very same "KPD", but what it did not prevent further in-house advertising, but especially for "the cause" of communism, of course, operate in the colors of the GDR. Westphal writes their own stories and making his comrades "communist art" that is primarily traditional cover songs, German, working song good and original compositions about love at home, so the GDR, the country and the never-ending struggle against the "bourgeoisie"
Westphal can be as "Dresden original" means, recognizable, he has now some awareness is reached, such as the "organ grinder" John Schalk, the Dresden "Stollen" or the "bridge figure".

is nonetheless Westphal, his group and their propaganda for the terrible, East German symbiosis of rejection of modernity and the West, love confessions to the offensive nature, home and past, as well as the associated social and intellectual decline.
Especially the latter can be very beautiful in Youtube Channel "veritas dresden" be considered.
Here you find videographic treats the group as a song about the " victory of communism " displayed in front of the Dresden Semper Opera, " young world - the best daily newspaper in Germany " and the multi-part group discussion simulation Why for communism "come from the above quotations.
were so close to comedy and tragedy rare.


for communism? Part1

Sieg des Kommunismus


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