Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Home Health Franchise Agreement Pdf

Hi Swing Kids, and Dardo Mario, "hello" Phax and "ciao" Big LeBasti ... We miss
you very much ..... Your
UNESCO course fans / intercultural communication.

Our event today was just wonderful MEETINGS. It has so much joy to our HARMONY IN DIVERSITY made before such a great audience show. The Ella Kappenber hall was absolutely crowded and the atmosphere great.
In Praise of Cultural Minister Dr. Paulenz has also done well. The visit of so many students of Wilhelm Kaisen UNESCO school from Bremen has strengthened the cohesion of the UNESCO-schools as well. Everyone was so happy and there are a lot of feedback with very many thanks for this harmonious and content such important event. We will miss you all very much!
PEACE by your EachOneTeachOne `s

The "meetings" were a great thing. It was fun with everyone. Hello to all! Participants. Everyone has made some effort. It was almost all by itself cool music good lyrics. All together just fine!
Armando and Richie from the Swing Kids

The meeting was very good. It has given me a lot of fun together with our band, the rappers, Phax, Dardo Mario and develop the sounds together.
Samuel "The Drummer" and Maurice "The Bassman"

On Thursday we go, I wish all artists, for that you are now, all the best for the concert. Already have
after a few practice days showed her how well you rap can see, all were good and all the songs and beats are really really cool and have feeling.
So we pack up on Thursday! We look forward to the dancers!
Dardo and Mario

The project meetings was very nice. Music and dancing are always fun. Above all, if you arbeitet.Das together on something we made and we have all done well!
Greetings Julia and Jeremy!

I am delighted to join all so beautiful. I am also impressed with where we are today. All rappers and rappers come more and more on the level that we need for the stage;)
The Swing Kids can also only be fresh. So, to all who have a bit scared on 29 Jan to be on stage. We do this together and give and the necessary energy;)
Big LeBasti

Here again, many thanks to Liz Mohn
cultural and musical foundation that enables us to such a project in HARMONY-
diversity. What words do not often-he
is reachable, comes about through the harmony of music and dance
. It can now be said that in the creative processes of our
no matter where someone comes or how he or she is pigmented,
which religion belongs to someone or a lifestyle
is lived! Important is the artistic Beitrag, das Engage-
ment und auch die Selbstdisziplin und das Streben nach einem
vielfältigen, gemeinsamen Resultat. YES WE CAN !
Ein sinnerfülltes und und friedvolles neues Jahr mit viel Schaffens-
kraft und und Mut für Neues wünscht euch allen ...
Anne Schmeckies

Als ich von dem Projekt erfahren habe, habe ich erst gedacht " Na, das wird ja was.", aber nun freue ich mich schon richtig auf den 29. Januar, wo wir endlich unsere Ergebnisse präsentieren dürfen. Respekt auch an die Swing Kids... besonders Richy ist cool ... mit 8 oder 9 Jahren schon so Geige spielen zu können ... aber alle haben großes Talent bei dem was sie machen... Egal ob Klavier, Bass oder Schlagzeug... Ich wünschte ich könnte das auch.*lach*
Na ja, freue mich schon auf die nächsten Proben und natürlich auf den 29. Januar... also ich hoffe ihr kommt alle. ;-)

Ich finde diesen Workshop super. Die Texte hören sich richtig toll an und die Musik von den Swing Kids auch. Das Breakdancen ist jetzt voll spitze. Freue mich auf den 29. Januar! Wird ein richtig geiler Auftritt von uns allen!!

Ich finde dass das Projekt etwas echt Gutes ist, weil solche Projekte werden nicht oft an Schulen gemacht! Ich finde so etwas sollte öfters passieren! Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf den 29. Januar
Peace an ALLE!

At this point I want to thank again all definitely interested in what Hip Hop has to offer outside of Bushido and solid.
The Breakdance group definitely has been through good and placed a respectable result about!
From what I have heard from the Rebbe (rappers) nor mitgekriegt I must say even that sounded in any case, rhythmic and texts which include the meaning of Hip Hop.
Keep on people!
Elias / Escaflow

I initially had a little respect for the project, but now the tide has turned. To me it makes a lot of fun and I'm happy to present project on 29.01.2009 with. I especially admire the Swing Kids as young and already so much talent, I am amazed every single time. The homepage is also successful super good.

The workshop is simply top notch! The Mukke is great and we make good progress! All experts do a great job and are very helpful! I hope the appearance will be a great success!
Nils 2hh07 / 4

I am already back on our test tomorrow. The "Encounters" is a really good thing. Everything works according to our motto "Each One Teach One". The concert on 29 January will certainly be really cool. Greetings go to all involved.
DJ Phax Mulder

I find the project very well. It's a nice atmosphere, relaxed and interesting. I look forward to the concert and the sound sound like it is.
Dardo Balke

The "encounter" I think is a cool Sache.Mir makes it fun and I hope that is so weiter.Am first I thought that I is not so pleased. But now I'm begeistert.Die people are super nice and all, I hope that our appearance really good wird.Ich am pleased that the Swing Kids to help us. Joana G.

Faxxxxxx Hay and co .... : D
The site is cool geworden.Ja, respect!!
Determined a cool show on 01/29;)
Faruk Dellabaci and Yasoo Styla

Hey! I find it totally cool that we do this project "Encounters" and so many people participate in this project include the Swing Kids. I look forward to the 01/29/2009, when we will present our project results! :-)

In our project, meetings are held actual meetings.
I am impressed by the commitment of the students of the elective course, UNESCO and the HH 07 / 7 The musical skills of SWING KIDS is incredible. Likewise, their discipline now seamlessly after 6 hours of instruction in their schools with the EachOneTeachOneCrew and KLA-students continue to go to the start.
The results will speak for themselves!
Presented on Thursday, 29 January 2009, from 13:20 h to 14.50 h in Ella Kappenberg Hall of Friedrich Schiller house.
RESPECT to you all Anne (Schmeckies)


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