Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gretchen From Oc Bathing Suit From Opening

6th Zurich Film Festival (23 September - 3 October 2010)

Ten years ago it would have probably no one dared to dream that the position of the traditional Locarno Film Festival as the largest annual event in this industry could ever be called into question. Today, there is now already the sixth edition of the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) has run across the stage, things look a bit different: With its largely in private hands financed Festival (as opposed to government-sponsored Locarno) have the two organizers Karl Spoerri and Nadia Schildknecht already made a solid reputation internationally. The Over 40,000 visitors this year are not yet a comparison with the 150,000 of Locarno, but nevertheless already a considerable success. For more negative press last year caused the surprising arrest of the star guest Roman Polanski, but the popularity of the festival should not also have hurt. Such scandals were

it to report this year, no, more than the Swiss did not feel too good light, since it Adrian Grenier due to a four-hour delay of the flight in time for the premiere of his film managed Teenage Paparazzo . In contrast, eddy caused the opening film Sennentuntschi by Michael Steiner, whose production history is already full of obstacles had shown a constant theme in the local press. Apparently it was the opening night where the film premiered, some viewers not clear that they would get to see a horror thriller with a corresponding visual representations, and no feel-good Sunday night movie.

The program bribed this year primarily due to its abundance and variety, and finally ran some 70 films over 11 days. In addition to the International Feature Film Competition , the German Feature Film Competition and the International Documentary Competition were among the films that Out of Competition ran numerous audience magnets. In addition, among all was the New World View, which dealt this year with cinematic treats from Australia, for surprises. As a retrospective of the work of Milos Forman were shown, was honored for his lifetime achievements.

As Zurich I took during the festival, of course, practically in the cinema Corso, where most of the films were shown, usual. I turn to the accreditation passes through OutNow . However, the batch on ZFF was not even half as chic as that of Locarno . Also, the whole procedure with the ticket Get proved quite mühsam, einerseits da die Leute an den Kassen kaum informiert schienen, anderseits weil die Pressevorführungen für mich zu sehr ungünstigen Zeiten stattfanden. Weiter gab es hie und da Probleme beim Abspielen, was insbesondere dann etwas peinlich ist, wenn der Regisseur des gezeigten Filmes im Publikum sitzt.
Natürlich ist auch Positives zu vermelden. Die Fragerunden mit dem Filmemachern im Anschluss der Vorstellungen waren oft aufschlussreich und persönlich, vor allem bei Snowman's Land , 180° und Beijing Punk . Gerade die Organisation des Dokumentarfilm-wettbewerbs machte einen überaus kompetenten Eindruck und es war auch überhaupt kein Problem, mit den Leuten nachher to engage in conversation. The "real" stars were for ordinary people, of course, not so accessible, if one of them for anything mitbekam. A glamorous center that would meet the Piazza Grande in Locarno has emerged in Zurich have ever had. The canopy of the Corso cinema just is simply not enough.

But let us to what it actually is at the festival: the films. 13 pieces I have seen it and to my utter surprise, they all ranged from good to very good. Either because I had a very lucky hand or the festival program was indeed a masterpiece. In particular, the five documentaries were produced, but also the Swiss film presented me with Sennentuntschi and 180 ° in a light, as one does not know otherwise. He was surpassed only by the German film that was even more for quality. The two best movies I've seen at the festival were, on the one hand Snowman's Land , a darkly comic thriller from Germany, on the other hand Teenage Paparazzo , a fascinating discussion of Adrian Grenier, himself each objective of the camera flashes, with a 13-year-old boy who makes every day on the hunt for celebs.

The golden eyes of the three Wettbewerbskategorien gewannen schlussendlich The Woman with a Broken Nose , Das Lied in mir und Armadillo . Davon habe ich leider keinen gesehen.



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