Saturday, September 25, 2010

How Long Do Get For An On Demand Movie Io

Fantastic Mr. Fox (film review)

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox was under the 8th International Festival of Animated Film Baden ( Fantoche ) is shown.


Mr. Fox (voiced by George Clooney), his character has a passionate chicken thief, quit his job and his wife (voiced by Meryl Streep) for the sake of the nail. Today, the "Fox of the World" works for the newspaper, even though he knows that nobody reads his column anyway. One day Mr. Fox discovered the display of an abandoned tree house and smells the opportunity to finally get rid of his cave. He bought the tree, although his lawyer in the badger (voice of Bill Murray), which advises against. Coincidentally, that is located not far from the farms of the most notorious of the valley farmers, Boggis, Bunce and Bean, which shall also provide the largest chicken farm in the country. But Mr. Fox leads up to something. Meanwhile, his son is
Ash (voice of Jason Schwarztman) in the school as an outsider, trying in vain to emulate his intelligent and talented athletic father. No big help is Cousin Kristofferson, who comes to visit for a few days and everything seems to be what Ash is not. Not enough that he is popular with the girls and karate, can even he is in Schmetterkrachen better!


filmmaker Wes Anderson was previously best known for quirky indie comedies and his collaborations with Owen Wilson and Bill Murray. With the film adaptation of the children's book "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" by Roland Dahl, he now supplies from his first animation film. Although these occur exclusively today in most cases on the computer and in 3D, Anderson decided to resort for his film on the "old fashioned" technique of stop motion. He told the animators to make the movements of the characters intentionally abrupt and volatile liquid and place rounded. It was also used for the dolls real fur, which is difficult to control and to allow a "wind effect" has resulted, since the hair move with every touch something.

A similar claim was Anderson approached the narrative style of the film. Instead of a complete and simple as possible suspense, as is expected for children's films often incorrectly, tell Anderson and his co-writer Noah Baumbach, the story of Mr. Fox's fast-paced, Elan and quirky ideas. These are the images mainly of perky red, yellow and brown dominated, giving the film a great fall look. The beautifully detailed design of the love scenes is complemented by the musical accompaniment, on the one hand, of the fabulous score by Alexandre Desplat is, scores on the other hand, for example, with songs by the Beach Boys and the Rolling Stones. Finally now you can feel again Anderson's typical style.

The figure of Mr. Fox - voiced by George Clooney - is created somewhere between the civilized world of humans and wild nature of animals. On the one hand, he dresses stylishly, is formed and meets every other with a certain arrogance, on the other hand, is always the animal in him to light, it was only when he greedily herunterschlingt his breakfast. So it is very refreshing to see in a children's film once a main character, commits the numerous errors and sometimes plain selfish and immoral acts. Darüber hinaus enthält der Film durchaus einige Szenen, die in der Figur von Mr. Fox einen weit tiefschürfenderen Konflikt aufdecken: Als "gezähmtes" Tier ist er zwiegespalten zwischen seinen Verpflichtungen als Ehemann und Teil der Gesellschaft einerseits, und einem tief verwurzelten Drang nach Wildnis, nach Abenteuer, nach Gefahr anderseits - ein höchst animalischer Trieb, der im Film schlussendlich allen Tieren innewohnt. So gesehen handelt Fantastic Mr. Fox im Grunde von einer Revolution der Tiere gegen die Menschenwelt mit ihren Gewehren, Bauernhöfen und Eisenbahnen. Dies widerspiegelt sich in der turbulenten, ja geradezu anarchistisch anmutenden Inszenierung und kommt am beeindruckendsten in der Szene mit dem Wolf zum Expression. In the end, Anderson's film is a love letter to the savage and animalistic, but this is somewhere in all of us.

about 9 out of 10

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This review was published on OutNow .


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