Friday, August 22, 2008

Prefab Cabins Washington State

criminal proceedings against former Jewish partisans in Lithuania

The Red Aid has published an open letter of protest to the Lithuanian government , as exposed in Lithuania apparently former Jewish partisans anti-Semitic trial.

The letter is documented here:

We demand the closure of investigations against former Jewish partisans in Lithuania

Since the beginning of this year determines the prosecutor's office in Lithuania against former Jewish partisans and partisans who fought during World War II against the German occupiers. The assertion by the prosecutor of time that hundreds of witnesses were interviewed, belies the fact that only Jewish names appear in the media, especially by Yitzhak Arad, Fania Brantsovsky and Rachel Margolis. They are mentioned in connection with guerrilla actions in which civilians were killed and Lithuania have been identified as the author of the judicial authorities terrorists and murderers. This suggests that the investigations are aimed at public opinion in Lithuania to the effect zu beeinflussen, dass primär Juden für die litauischen Opfer von Partisanenaktionen verantwortlich sind. Auf diese Weise soll die antisowjetische bzw. antirussische Stimmung in Litauen eine antijüdische Stoßrichtung erhalten.

Es sei daran erinnert, dass die jüdischen Anti-Nazi Partisanen zuvor Gefangene in den Ghettos waren, die von den deutschen Besatzern und ihren litauischen Kollaborateuren eingerichtet wurden; sie kämpften bewaffnet gegen die nationalsozialistische Herrschaft in autonomen jüdischen Gruppen oder sowjetischen Partisaneneinheiten und trugen damit zum Sieg der alliierten Streitkräfte gegen Nazi-Deutschland bei. Aktuell wird in den Massenmedien bewusst das negative Image jüdischer Partisanen konstruiert. Media and the legal avail themselves of the same stereotype that was during the years of German occupation of the mass participation of Lithuanians in the mass murder of the Jewish population basis: Jews are identified with communism, the Soviet system and Soviet partisans. In contrast, against the Lithuanian collaborators with the German occupiers, who are jointly responsible for the murder of 220,000 Jews in the years 1941 to 1944, no determined. In the 18 years of Lithuanian independence, not a single Nazi collaborator has been prosecuted.

The Lithuanian Prosecutor is apparently under political pressure. Sun Fania Brantsovsky was due to the question by a member of the Fatherland Party summoned to the investigating authority. The fact that the President of the Republic of Lithuania established the "International Commission for the determination of the Crimes of Nazi and Soviet occupation regimes in Lithuania" their own member Yitzhak Arad and the other Jewish anti-Nazi partisans defended publicly, is extremely disconcerting. Obviously, is currently being written in Lithuania in an anti-Semitic propaganda, the history of the Holocaust and the formerly persecuted as a suspected perpetrator.

We demand to stop the prosecution of former Jewish partisans immediately! The European Commission should be their decision, Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, declare to Capital of Culture 2009 on, think. A country where anti-Semitic propaganda in politics, the judiciary and the media can play such a wide area, is such a distinction does not apply.


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