Thursday, August 14, 2008

Occasional Stomach Ache

"Mügeln is everywhere - Antifa"

So it was written at some time in a Dresden wall. Although the authors certainly no harm can be assumed, so the graffiti but a load of suggestive ideas.
One year after the racist witch-hunt is being sought in the Saxon area nest to calm and would rather forget.
The annual city festival will of course take place again and still in office Mayor can Deuse announced the following:
"We have been thinking that it will ensure safety," said Mayor Gotthard Deuse (FDP) in the run. Specific details would not do it.
He was "sure" that there was a peaceful festival. "
have got away But the former offender once again very good. Thus, the sentence for one of the clubs involved mainly in July was converted to a suspended sentence. Primarily wohl aus sozialen Gründen.

So wird aus dem Berufungsprozess die typische Loserkarriere ostdeutscher Racketangehöriger wiedergekäut:
„Frank D. erzählt mit tiefer, fester Stimme seinen Werdegang: Hauptschulabschluss, Bäckerlehre, Arbeit auf Montage, demnächst lässt er sich zum Lkw-Fahrer weiterbilden. Er hat eine Wohnung, ist nicht vorbestraft. „Mit der Geschichte finden sie keinen Job“, sagt er.“
Doch ist Mügeln überall? Und ist Mügeln überall Antifa?
Mügeln ist immerhin zum Synonym für die vornehmlich ostdeutsche rassistische Straßengewalt become, as it used to Rostock and Hoyerswerda, where the names of the places are completely interchangeable and Symbolwerdung rather well by the media, but otherwise inconsequential interest depends.

In Dresden we managed this differently, so that no one can say "yes" Dresden "would like" Mügeln, "because where Mügeln everywhere" fascist "is, at least its civil variant, the worries about the reputation" of Saxony ".
After the attacks on kebab shops after the European Championship semi-final not be denied and glossed over, but a public person known and apologize and asked how often a more intensive discussion mit dem „Rechtsextremismus“ in Sachsen.

Doch selbst die örtliche Polizei musste einige Tage nach den Ereignissen eingestehen und dringlich fordern, das sich, von den damals gut gefüllten Strassen, mehr Zeugen melden sollten und setzte danach eine Sonderkommission zur Ermittlung der Täter ein.
Der oberste Dienstherr der sächsischen Polizei, Innenminister Buttolo, wollte so was kaum glauben und hielt in der Landtagsdebatte zum Thema: „ Weltoffenes und tolerantes Sachsen - Gegen Hass und Gewalt
sein Händchen über die braven sächsischen Bürger:
„Gewalt and xenophobia, in Saxony, neither culture nor a majority. "However, there is no success" chaotic "continues to soil the reputation of the Free State. . The vast majority of the Saxons did not even do in the approach to do with violence and xenophobia "

How often is the" vast majority of Saxony "now strikes showed the last few days in Dresden: Apparently after a racist attack on a girl with Vietnamese parents, set fire, so far believed the perpetrators soon after the business of parents in the district of Dresden Striessen at. Previously, she threatened to have the family "to flatten . The business of the family is destroyed so completely.
The same night attacked four young offenders a Syrian and a Lebanese and a brutal beating them.
The motive of the perpetrators is unclear, according to police report ...

We are still in Saxony.


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