Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Traditional Clothing In Bangkok

Swiss PG Championship Flims/Fiesch

After three shifts, the SM still be carried out . Sorry, could not attend due date conflicts some of our team members.
Because of uncertain weather forecast was SM unceremoniously moved to Fiesch.
(thanks to Martin Scheel and Richard Imstepf). The field was rather small with 65 participants, but all the high-standing, European champion Greg Blondeau, C. Maurer, Aebi, Sigel, Schmocker, Kroll, Malecki .... to name a few.

Task 1
The task seemed relatively easy to 60.2km. I caught my standards for a good start (late 30s ;-). The tactics to be first to fly a little ahead erwiess itself as just right. I could make some good running. Due to the decrease inversion and the rapid return headwind, it was difficult to the good mix high and low flying to find.

Philippe who flew with a group of offensive deep pitch, the idea was good but unfortunately, the situation worsened by the increasing wind and got a lot of time.

me it was always better, just before the 2nd Turning, I literally stuck at the base and was up to 70th with Bloch matters to second last buoy.

Unfortunately I lost 2 places because I was high on the way back against the wind and the pilots were flying low to the valley wind to the last buoy "board".
  • 1th Michael Sigel
  • 30th Mario Pfister
  • 43th Philippe Metter
Task 2
After a "rest day" there was a 70km task. Even after the stable stratification tSart had a negative effect. A big part of the participants were only just ahead of the launch field null. Philip was, as could always just before the start higher. "How he does that belong?". I flew away from the row and was about 3km from Bigzylinder einwenig high boost. but had to fly back early so as not to miss the boat. Then began the war of nerves, it was about meter. Without getting really we went to the first buoy. Only the aces could take the buoy in the direct flight. I was lucky and was surprised with a moderately-bad hose.
The Führungspulk was gone and I had to make do with a chase group of 3.
susammen We worked well (thanks SUSL).
I could break away from the group and flew back alone. before a crossing, I waited for the group and flew with them until just before the crux.
I had up to 8 min lead to my direct "serial" - runner, but had to pay dearly at the crux, I reached for 150meters the buoy and had to look in the void line.
When I decided to fly on and fly to the other side of the spur, added Michael Maurer O7 (brother of Chrigel) and David Rossi (Niviuk peak) caught up with me. I was finally too deep and had the Patience not to grab hochzusoaren and the turning point. It was just before the task deadline and I flew back to Goal. David Rossi (peak) had more patience and snapped just before the deadline, the buoy and was able to make decisive kilometers more and overtook me at 7Punkte. Philippe "drowned" in the stable soup like many others and had to land after the second buoy.
If there were in Switzerland, a serial evaluation, I was after Michael Maurer and David Rossi on the final rank third and Philippe were ninth.

overal international
1th Andi Aeby
2th 3th Chrigel Maurer
Michael Sigel
30th Mario Pfister
Philippe Mettler 41th (only 3 ranks after the European champions ;-)

Photos of azoom.ch
report Swiss-league.ch

Monday, August 25, 2008

Does Direct Connect Work With Bluetooth

Osttirol Open 2008

and 2 Part of the state championship (since it could be flown in Bramberg only 1 task).

wiedermal So I ... otherwise so nobody writes more as it looks ...

Also in this race we had wiedermal, as so often this season, no luck with the weather. The Friday was called off in advance and also the Saturday had to be gechancelt because the wind was too gusty on the ground. That is, it remained von 3 Tagen wieder nur einer übrig.

Als wir dann am Sonntag zum Startplatz hochfuhren, machte es bereits hinter uns zu und die meisten Piloten gingen davon aus das es auch heute nichts werden sollte und wir entweder nur einen Abgleiter hinbekommen oder gleich mit der Bahn runterfahren können.

Aber siehe da, es wurde wieder besser (wenn auch nicht viel ;-) und es wurde ein Task über knapp 54 km ausgeschrieben. Die Basis war sehr tief und nur einzelne Bärte schafften es einen bis zur 2. Wolkendecke hoch zubefördern.

D.h. das Motto war hochbleiben um jeden Preis, den fast jeden der einmal zu tief kam, den hat der Talwind gefressen ... so leider auch mich nach etwas über 21 km.

Ein einsames Rennen lieferte Heli Eichholzer, der auch als einziger ins Ziel kam. Wieder eine Spitzenleistung!

Kurz nach 16:00 Uhr wurde der Task dann gestoppt, da die Windverhältnisse im Ziel immer schlechter wurden und der Wind stark auffrischte.


Stefan Sindelka
5. Platz Serienklasse Osttirol Open
19. Platz Staatsmeisterschaft Overall

Stephan Gruber
10. Platz Serienklasse Osttirol Open
36. Platz Staatsmeisterschaft Overall

Helmut Dersch
14th NC-place class Osttirol Open
48th Place Overall Championship
(pictures of Daniel Kofler / Thermik.net)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Prefab Cabins Washington State

criminal proceedings against former Jewish partisans in Lithuania

The Red Aid has published an open letter of protest to the Lithuanian government , as exposed in Lithuania apparently former Jewish partisans anti-Semitic trial.

The letter is documented here:

We demand the closure of investigations against former Jewish partisans in Lithuania

Since the beginning of this year determines the prosecutor's office in Lithuania against former Jewish partisans and partisans who fought during World War II against the German occupiers. The assertion by the prosecutor of time that hundreds of witnesses were interviewed, belies the fact that only Jewish names appear in the media, especially by Yitzhak Arad, Fania Brantsovsky and Rachel Margolis. They are mentioned in connection with guerrilla actions in which civilians were killed and Lithuania have been identified as the author of the judicial authorities terrorists and murderers. This suggests that the investigations are aimed at public opinion in Lithuania to the effect zu beeinflussen, dass primär Juden für die litauischen Opfer von Partisanenaktionen verantwortlich sind. Auf diese Weise soll die antisowjetische bzw. antirussische Stimmung in Litauen eine antijüdische Stoßrichtung erhalten.

Es sei daran erinnert, dass die jüdischen Anti-Nazi Partisanen zuvor Gefangene in den Ghettos waren, die von den deutschen Besatzern und ihren litauischen Kollaborateuren eingerichtet wurden; sie kämpften bewaffnet gegen die nationalsozialistische Herrschaft in autonomen jüdischen Gruppen oder sowjetischen Partisaneneinheiten und trugen damit zum Sieg der alliierten Streitkräfte gegen Nazi-Deutschland bei. Aktuell wird in den Massenmedien bewusst das negative Image jüdischer Partisanen konstruiert. Media and the legal avail themselves of the same stereotype that was during the years of German occupation of the mass participation of Lithuanians in the mass murder of the Jewish population basis: Jews are identified with communism, the Soviet system and Soviet partisans. In contrast, against the Lithuanian collaborators with the German occupiers, who are jointly responsible for the murder of 220,000 Jews in the years 1941 to 1944, no determined. In the 18 years of Lithuanian independence, not a single Nazi collaborator has been prosecuted.

The Lithuanian Prosecutor is apparently under political pressure. Sun Fania Brantsovsky was due to the question by a member of the Fatherland Party summoned to the investigating authority. The fact that the President of the Republic of Lithuania established the "International Commission for the determination of the Crimes of Nazi and Soviet occupation regimes in Lithuania" their own member Yitzhak Arad and the other Jewish anti-Nazi partisans defended publicly, is extremely disconcerting. Obviously, is currently being written in Lithuania in an anti-Semitic propaganda, the history of the Holocaust and the formerly persecuted as a suspected perpetrator.

We demand to stop the prosecution of former Jewish partisans immediately! The European Commission should be their decision, Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, declare to Capital of Culture 2009 on, think. A country where anti-Semitic propaganda in politics, the judiciary and the media can play such a wide area, is such a distinction does not apply.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Occasional Stomach Ache

"Mügeln is everywhere - Antifa"

So it was written at some time in a Dresden wall. Although the authors certainly no harm can be assumed, so the graffiti but a load of suggestive ideas.
One year after the racist witch-hunt is being sought in the Saxon area nest to calm and would rather forget.
The annual city festival will of course take place again and still in office Mayor can Deuse announced the following:
"We have been thinking that it will ensure safety," said Mayor Gotthard Deuse (FDP) in the run. Specific details would not do it.
He was "sure" that there was a peaceful festival. "
have got away But the former offender once again very good. Thus, the sentence for one of the clubs involved mainly in July was converted to a suspended sentence. Primarily wohl aus sozialen Gründen.

So wird aus dem Berufungsprozess die typische Loserkarriere ostdeutscher Racketangehöriger wiedergekäut:
„Frank D. erzählt mit tiefer, fester Stimme seinen Werdegang: Hauptschulabschluss, Bäckerlehre, Arbeit auf Montage, demnächst lässt er sich zum Lkw-Fahrer weiterbilden. Er hat eine Wohnung, ist nicht vorbestraft. „Mit der Geschichte finden sie keinen Job“, sagt er.“
Doch ist Mügeln überall? Und ist Mügeln überall Antifa?
Mügeln ist immerhin zum Synonym für die vornehmlich ostdeutsche rassistische Straßengewalt become, as it used to Rostock and Hoyerswerda, where the names of the places are completely interchangeable and Symbolwerdung rather well by the media, but otherwise inconsequential interest depends.

In Dresden we managed this differently, so that no one can say "yes" Dresden "would like" Mügeln, "because where Mügeln everywhere" fascist "is, at least its civil variant, the worries about the reputation" of Saxony ".
After the attacks on kebab shops after the European Championship semi-final not be denied and glossed over, but a public person known and apologize and asked how often a more intensive discussion mit dem „Rechtsextremismus“ in Sachsen.

Doch selbst die örtliche Polizei musste einige Tage nach den Ereignissen eingestehen und dringlich fordern, das sich, von den damals gut gefüllten Strassen, mehr Zeugen melden sollten und setzte danach eine Sonderkommission zur Ermittlung der Täter ein.
Der oberste Dienstherr der sächsischen Polizei, Innenminister Buttolo, wollte so was kaum glauben und hielt in der Landtagsdebatte zum Thema: „ Weltoffenes und tolerantes Sachsen - Gegen Hass und Gewalt
sein Händchen über die braven sächsischen Bürger:
„Gewalt and xenophobia, in Saxony, neither culture nor a majority. "However, there is no success" chaotic "continues to soil the reputation of the Free State. . The vast majority of the Saxons did not even do in the approach to do with violence and xenophobia "

How often is the" vast majority of Saxony "now strikes showed the last few days in Dresden: Apparently after a racist attack on a girl with Vietnamese parents, set fire, so far believed the perpetrators soon after the business of parents in the district of Dresden Striessen at. Previously, she threatened to have the family "to flatten . The business of the family is destroyed so completely.
The same night attacked four young offenders a Syrian and a Lebanese and a brutal beating them.
The motive of the perpetrators is unclear, according to police report ...

We are still in Saxony.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Stent With Kidney Stones Pregnancy

Bordairline 2008

Kuchler wins paragliding extreme competition in Werfenweng.

On Saturday, 07/26/2008 at 8 clock, fell in Werfenweng the start of airline boarding. 32 athletes from three countries (Austria, Germany, Slovenia) have the task of flying in 33 hours with a paraglider and / or walk as far as possible from the start weg, und wieder zurück zu kommen. Dichter Bodennebel über ganz Pongau schaffte gleich zu Beginn Raum für neue Taktiken. Die Athleten teilten sich in 5 Gruppen auf. Einige wählen den Aufstieg zur Werfnerhütte, um sich mit einem Flug Richtung Norden nach Salzburg Stadt zu kämpfen. Andere erwarteten keine Auflockerung der Nebeldecke und marschierten vom Start Richtung Mitterfeldalm am Hochkönig, nach St.Veit oder Schladming. Der Großteil der Starter rechnete aber mit Flugwetter. Sie nahmen die 1000 Hm auf den Bischling in Angriff. Leichte Thermik und 10km/h Ostwind trugen die Ersten bis Bischofshofen bzw. St. Johann/Pg.

Ab 15 Uhr setzten die angesagten Überentwicklungen of flying to an end.

Most Bordairline - Athletes chosen for progress on foot.

The second day began with heavy fog and some rain showers. Despite cramps, blisters and pain, the brave fighters headed towards goal in Werfenweng. All participants trusted the aviation weather report that predicted for Saturday and Sunday, the same weather and put on any major Streckenflüge.Aber know, it is so often different than you think! According to report, there should be 15 knots easterly wind and a lot of clouds with some rain showers. Based on this knowledge, the day before, the possible return from the individual athlete calculated. On the second day, however, were neither wind nor clouds in the way a good flying day. So it happened that some athletes, high above the heads of the migratory pilots sailed to the finish, which had the bottom "marching Wings" endure even more pain.

finisher at the mandatory interview on Red Bull target arch the spectators got a glimpse of the last 33 hours of the participants. From barbecues and sleep on the Salzach fly over 33 hours without a break and walk up to the brunch before returning to the pasture, each participant was able to board airline sent individually.

With a record-breaking run distance of 115 km and 2000 Hm in 33 hours recorded Christian Amon (Hallstatt) just ahead of Stefan Sindelka (Golling) that assessment for themselves. Many starters swore themselves to such torture will no longer indulge. Next year it will pop back to see many familiar faces who have broken that vow, and his on-board airline in 2009 it will be!

first Eichholzer Helmut Kuchler log cabin - Biotech team Kuchl
second Amon Christian Suunto - Swing, Hallstatt
third Sindleka Stefan Spälti - Biotech team, Golling
4th Budack Lars gradient, Cologne
5th Fankhauser Patrik UP product, Fieberbrunn
(Text: DHV Homepage - http://www.dhv.de/ )

Heavy Drapery Holdbacks

German Cup 2008 - der Sieger steht fest!

The German Cup 2008, with 14 ranked passes successfully ended. Valeri Regehr has an impressive start to finish - achieved victory. Already on his first task on the Moselle, he flew to the finish and secured the first 1000 points. This leadership, he built step by Schitt from the BaWü and Andelsbuch 4 other peaks and was in the last two competitions in Greifenburg und Altes Lager trotz Abwesenheit nicht mehr einzuholen.

Herzliche Gratulation zu diesem Erfolg, Valeri!

Hier der Link zur Gesamtergebnisliste:

(Text: DHV Homepage - www.dhv.de)