Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Treatments To Regain Kidney Funcion

Swiss Cup Salève - 3 and 4 May 2008

After great flying conditions in eastern Switzerland on the last Swisscup in Wasserauen we were excited to Salève. Good spirits and with a great weather in the bag is Mario and I made early on Saturday morning on the way to Geneva. The expectations were grown, as the day before a pilot was launched from Salève landed in Interlaken (just under 150 km) is (and this in a day at the Interlaken were nearly impossible for larger ones).

After the trip to the Salève it was called then wait for now. The wind did not come from the West, as announced, but Northeast ... so downwind at the start, and hardly any thermals. After the briefing was postponed again and again back then so it went from 15.00 release it slowly. (Sorry, not for me - I have demolished my GPS at the start was thus no longer be valid run Grrrrr established when ..! Flight school could hire me in the evening on Sunday with a replacement unit - many thanks)

The conditions were still noticeable by the wind and weak thermals not easy!. Set on, five buoys. On both sides of the Salève or slightly in the area. No one managed it to the goal (the task still remained valid). Most made it the pilots who had dared to start early.

On Sunday, the conditions seemed a little better. The first clouds formed early on and the wind was much lower and better from one direction. Nevertheless, wanted no right Thermik einstellen, und wieder hiess es warten.

Der Airstart wurde dann auf 15.15 festgelegt. Ein früher Start war diesmal nicht die beste Lösung. Frühe Starter hielten sich die erste halbe Stunde nur sehr knapp auf Startplatzhöhe. Als ich kurz von 15.00 startete kam die Thermik dann langsam in Schwung. Schnell wurden wir einige hundert Meter über Starthöhe gespült und konnten die erste Boje ganz im Südwesten des Salève Vollgas anfliegen und problemlos erreichen. Danach gings zurück auf die andere Seite der Hügelkette. Die zweite Boje lag über A nnemasse schon leicht im Flachen. Entsprechend tief kamen wir zurück an den Salève. Nahezu alle Piloten landeten dann zwischen 25 and 30 kilometers have (including myself). Locals Only two managed the almost impossible task, and flew the ready.

is in two weeks a friend in Frutigen. Travel with us as locals ;-)

(Photos: http://www.vol-libre-geneve.ch )


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