Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Baby Shower Books Instead Of Cards What To Write

188km FAI mit dem SpaeltiO7

For more than a week now already from Hochfelln insanely large triangles flown. So far, however, was my motivation with 100 other pilots to fly in the Pinzgau limits. When, on Tuesday last in our area so disturbing easterly winds ran after, and 2 friends of mine wanted to go to Laber, it was clear the plan. I wanted the 200-km FAI triangle try the dragons were there already flown more frequently, and had already tried a couple of glider pilots. The day before, Uli Meier meadow the triangle already quite large geflogen und kam auf 175km.

Als ich dann um kurz nach Elf fertig am Start stand, herrschte leichter Rückenwind, was für den Laber normal ist. Nachdem ich in einer Nullwindphase gestartet bin, flog ich direkt in die Südseite wo mich dann ein schöner großer Bart an die Basis katapultierte. Vom Laber gings an der Zugspitze vorbei Richtung Fernpass.

Am Daniel kam ich das erste mal tief da dieser fast komplett abgeschattet war. Nachdem ich dann doch noch den rettenden Bart gefunden habe, ging es über den Fernpass ins Inntal. Von da ab war der Flug ein Kinderspiel. Im Inntal gings dann über Landeck nach St. Anton am Arlberg, wo ich den first turning point was. From there, back across the Tschirgant Ötztal that could almost be flown in level flight. In the Ötztal we went past the imposing mountain scenery almost to Timmelsjoch. When I came back again at the exit from the Ötztal pretty deep, and had to look for a little while until I found the bit of me between refuel Tschirgant past brought to Wannig. There I met the still very strong valley wind which here is composed of the Lechtalwind and valley wind from the direction Zugspitze, Lermoos but also forms of convergence. When I was in the convergence could make a little more height, I was again to the valley wind and decided to Ehrwald I end up at one of the great meadows.
to 7Stunden and 40 minutes I was in the air I have 210km of open line or come a 188km FAI triangle. I particularly enjoyed was that I was flying constantly with Uli Meier meadow, even if we had lost in between for a few miles from the eye, so we went pretty often. Here again a thank you for the support.


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