Monday, April 14, 2008

How Do You Make A Monk's Cord Bracelet

plains flying with Spälti Omega 7

Nachdem die Wettervorhersagen für den Sonntag immer besser wurden, fuhr ich am Sonntag früh mit ein paar Freunden zum Tegelberg.
Die Startbedingungen am nach Nordwesten gerichteten Startplatz waren nicht optimal, da der Wind meistens thermisch bedingt aus Südwesten kam. In einer der wenigen Nullwindfasen I could then start and at the ridge directly to the base in 2500 turn up.

view of the Lech and the two towns
Schongau and Peiting.

We had planned to fly away together was announced to wait now, because the wind was starting to deteriorate immediately after my start again significantly. Schlieslich came out the other and it could turn up to me. Together we went to Trauchberg from where we wanted to fly to the lowlands. Unfortunately, our group has decimated the Trauchberg to 2 people. Together we flew to the lowlands David helped me find the first to find thermals. Together we went to cloud street that ran from west to east.

view of the Bavarian plains with
condensing clouds below me.

at the 2nd Cloud of Cloud Street David went sadly to land there between us, before him, a great cloud had built up that threatened to suck him. From then on I was on my own and I scanned the street at the clouds over Lake Starnberg and Ammersee down to the level of Blomberg. Hier musste ich mich dann entscheiden ob ich wieder zurück an die Berge, oder weiter im Flachland fliegen wollte. Ich entschied mich fürs Flache weil dort einfach mehr Sonne zu sehen war. Hier kam ich dann zum ersten Mal richtig Tief. In einiger Entfernung sah ich dann einen Steinbruch den die Sonne schon die ganze Zeit angeschienen hatte, an dem dann auch der rettende Bart stand.

Wieder an der Basis gings wieder weiter eine Wolkenstraße entlang an Bad Tölz und am Tegernsee vorbei. Mit dem Chiemsee, meinem Ziel schon in Sichtweite machte ich dann noch einmal maximale Höhe und wagte den Flug ins blaue Loch zwischen Irschenberg und Chiemsee, was sich dann wie erwartet proved to be a mistake. So I stood for half an hour later, after 102km and 5 hours flight time on a country road in the boonies and had to organize my retrieval. Fortunately I had was that day my friend Andrew, with his parents in Bad Tolz the dragon towing. With which I could then go home.
The flight really means a lot personally because I've always dreamed of Tegelberg the lowlands and as far as possible to fly in the direction of Chiemsee. That this has achieved so quickly must be well on Spälti Omega 7)
the link to the flight in DHVXC is here:


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