Friday, November 28, 2008

Angela Devi Blog Archive

communism as steel bath

"Why I'm for communism? This freezers used for food again! "
How was that even in the relationship between the productive forces of capitalism?
And how many "Derrmosgannen" soft ice cream can be bought for a euro? "
These and other issues move the National Bolsheviks Dresdner Group" Veritas "and its protagonist, Hans-Jürgen Westphal.
The 57-year-old has been over ten years of Communist propaganda deals where, armed with a red flag, the first one of the party newspaper, sold after 1990 re-established "KPD` s "and their own literature. He was later expelled from the very same "KPD", but what it did not prevent further in-house advertising, but especially for "the cause" of communism, of course, operate in the colors of the GDR. Westphal writes their own stories and making his comrades "communist art" that is primarily traditional cover songs, German, working song good and original compositions about love at home, so the GDR, the country and the never-ending struggle against the "bourgeoisie"
Westphal can be as "Dresden original" means, recognizable, he has now some awareness is reached, such as the "organ grinder" John Schalk, the Dresden "Stollen" or the "bridge figure".

is nonetheless Westphal, his group and their propaganda for the terrible, East German symbiosis of rejection of modernity and the West, love confessions to the offensive nature, home and past, as well as the associated social and intellectual decline.
Especially the latter can be very beautiful in Youtube Channel "veritas dresden" be considered.
Here you find videographic treats the group as a song about the " victory of communism " displayed in front of the Dresden Semper Opera, " young world - the best daily newspaper in Germany " and the multi-part group discussion simulation Why for communism "come from the above quotations.
were so close to comedy and tragedy rare.


for communism? Part1

Sieg des Kommunismus

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Dog Has Flaky Skin On Back

visit the memorial Mittelbau Dora

Statement by Karin (16) Cafeteria project KLA

impresses me the lead through the countryside and in the tunnels of the
Mittelbau Dora concentration camp memorial lot.
The people of such activities in a position to understand I can not. Nevertheless, the parties have not given up. In the crematorium painted flowers were visible. This has stirred me.

Rotel And Velveeta Chicken Pasta Tv Commercial

workshop participants of the 2-year-old business school 07 / 7

hilarious! 2HH 07 / 7 pupils after successful Lyric and break dance workshops at the KLA.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Newborn Flem After Milk

B-Boying break action!

Good energy for the following school hours preparing the B `Boyz group
Escaflow and multi-talented Big LeBasti (rapper EachOneTeachOneCrew)
during a break in action at Trading colleges .

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Age Of Empires Rome Expansion Free Full

Anstehende Änderung für Paragleiter in Österreich!

Something's happening in Austria! If everything fits, is the requirement of approval from us soon history

Posted by Oeac
release of ÖAeC - FAA,
technology HG / PG

Dear pilots, stewards, developers / producers, maintenance operators and distributors of air sports division HG / PG and motorized HG / PG

The ÖAeC as a representative of air sports in Austria, among others also in engineering HG / PG (HG / PG - mot HG / PG) and his staff worked hard to comply with the trend and promote this effect changes and to implement them.

After long preparations and intensive negotiations with the BMVIT, it was possible to achieve a great success.

Dr. Reinhard Flatz, representative and chief negotiator of the "Austrian Aero-Clubs“, hat in einer Besprechung am 10. Nov. 2008 mit den Verantwortlichen des BMVIT
in Wien, einen Durchbruch unseres Bestrebens einer Deregulierung der behördlichen Auflagen gemäß ZLLV 2005 unseres Flugsportes im Bereich Technik HG/PG erzielt.

Folgende Änderungen stehen vor der Verwirklichung:

Hänge- und Paragleiter:

Es erfolgt eine gänzliche Entbürokratisierung für einsitzige, mehrsitzige und gewerbliche Hänge– und Paragleiter, wie auch Fallschirme. Es entfallen somit Musterprüfungen, Stückprüfungen und Nachprüfungen.

Motorisierte Hänge- und Paragleiter:

Es erfolgte auch here the extensive bureaucracy of the analog motorless paragliders and hang gliders.
The new definition allows a start / landing aid that is not permanently connected to the suspension or paragliding.
For an engine may be used only foot-launched paragliders and hang gliders.
The mass of an aviation tool must not exceed 120 kg.

What remains is a permit from the mot HG / PG system at the first use in Austria, as well as compliance with the 2-year review period.

It tries to realize the amendment to the ZLLV until the start of the new flight season 2009

Here Point again many thanks to Dr. Reinhard Flatz, the results of our negotiating rounds in ÖAeC summarized it for presentation brought maturity, submitted to the Federal Ministry and also eventually led the negotiations with the representatives of the BMVIT.

Dr Reinhard Flatz up to the critical analysis, and perform up to the publication of the novel ZLLV the negotiations and for adjustments and adaptations in the interaction with the agents of the BMVIT.

A thanks also to the competent and responsible individuals and agents in BMVIT.

At this point, I remind you again to my motto: "Only together we are strong." Therefore, support with your membership to the Austrian Aeroclub.

circular envelopes of frustrated people and so-called "know-alls" bring nothing to create uncertainties and the only damage our efforts, the best for our Aviation extract.

case arising questions and wishes, can still be the team technique HG / PG with advice and support.


wire HG / PG - mot HG + PG

William Stocker

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Selling My Ps2 How Much

continuité et cassure

In Dresden Orte zu finden die an die nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit der Stadt und die Verfolgung und Vertreibung der JüdInnen erinnern ist ein schwieriges Unterfangen.
Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen gibt es keine Denkmäler oder bekannte und erkennbare „ Orte der Erinnerung “. Die wenige die es gibt sind oft erst nach 1989 auf Initiative Weniger entstanden.
Zudem sind die Zeugnisse der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft bzw. deren Entstehung and coming in Dresden hardly known in the public consciousness.

are ubiquitous billboards on the other hand for a screening of the film " Dresden as it once was . These are historical film footage of Dresden before the bombing in 1945 from the years 1930, however, that should show the "beautiful history" of Dresden.

This is an example for dealing with the past in this city and the expression of post-Nazi continuity has shaped substantially by the barely altered narrative history of the victims of the "February 13" the public consciousness.
change has taken place in this respect in recent years, only in part. The confrontation with the past, and a memorial sites and witness Kenntlichmachungvon sites of National Socialism remained essentially individual initiatives (such as the Association Hatikva ) and subject to interested individuals.

appeared in September as the "Historical Guide 1933-1945" by Hartmut Ellrich the very places comprising the Nazi persecution and domination names and describes. It is to know about the whole, according to the National Socialist model designed spaces, such as king shores are still preserved. (See the description under this link and related pages.)

That this is not a "taboo" everything is has to do with it, it in Dresden is now de rigueur on the " history" of the "13 February to refer "to be so vehemently claim the memory of the bombing. However, the
is actively in the history of National Socialism and anti-Semitic persecution interested, leave this role as far as possible and they find little attention, because the good tone just makes the music, but hardly ever serious about.
THIS MUST BE 2008 in the local paper "Saxon newspaper published the following, which was formulated earlier than the Antifa:

" It is a band full of surprises, even for connoisseurs of the city history. In the chapter "City", "suburbs" and "surrounding area" divided out the leader with countless pictures and text the reader to the extent still visible traces of the city's history during the Nazi era.
to places with sufficiently well-known past as the Hygiene Museum, the former "Adolf Hitler" and today's "theater space," the former "Jewish home" at the Bautzener Straße. Aber auch an Stellen, deren einstige Nutzung heute kaum noch bekannt ist: zum Studentenwohnheim Güntzstraße, vormals Sammellager für Juden. Ans Königsufer, früher Massenaufmarschplatz. Zum Goehle-Werk, dessen Hochbunker noch stehen. Zum Schloss Hirschstein, wo Belgiens Königsfamilie interniert wurde.

Eine spannende und erhellende Lektüre, die neugierig macht, die Vergangenheit der Stadt neu zu entdecken. Ohne Schaum, aber auch ohne Blatt vorm Mund geschrieben.

Die Kapitel über die intensive rüstungsindustrielle und militärische Nutzung zahlloser Objekte wie Taschenbergpalais und Albertinum, das geplante Gauforum, die Frauenkirche als Dom der NS-hörigen Deutschen Christians, it all helps to destroy a myth here, unfortunately, still effective.
"Dresden was not an innocent art and cultural city," says Hartmut Ellrich. And, with a smile. "I hope that I will not now driven out of town"
fact, authors such as Ellrich not driven out of town which probably would be a few years ago was a legitimate concern. Instead, they are essentially ignored today.

" There are in fact only two ways: no final reconciliation with the past or the constant, ie in constant Discussion of executive break with her. "
Moshe Postone, 1985

the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the pogroms of the 09th November 1938 a similar, very interesting project "audio script" were presented.
what was, in a dozen audio recordings, by which places of Nazi persecution in Dresden can be explored. The concept and the posts were created in a year's work.

The project group writes:
" audio script for the persecution and extermination of Jews in Dresden 1933-1945 allows 13 tracks in a discussion of (city) historical, philosophical and artistic discourses of Shoa. The listener will find a city tour to places of exemplary anti-Semitic persecution in National Socialism and its contemporary reception. (...)

is always highlighted the history of each place and the crimes took place there. On the specific location also serve two coordinates of the debate: the individual is suffering from autobiographical material of the survivors against the local history of hegemonic discourse strong. The korrenspondiert suffered with quotes a critical theory that historicized Auschwitz, but marked as a break with civilization and the starting point of any philosophical consideration makes.
The order and the way the guide can be customized and run on the new synagogue, with former" Jewish houses ", the" SS-Mullah school and to places of forced labor, death marches and the "Jewish camp Heller Mountain.

The tracks and a map can be found on the website of the project download audio script .

Monday, November 3, 2008

High School Panty Models

Spälti Wandkalender 2009

Spälti The AG 2009 is the first time put together a wall calendar for my impressions of paragliding. Including of course different pictures of the Spälti - ADVANCE OMEGA 7 team.

The calendar will be delivered soon and the flight schools are available. From five specimens, the wall calendar in the live Spälti AG be purchased - the price is CHF 15 .-. Any gain from the sale comes directly to the sport of paragliding good.

Here is a preview of some pictures from the calendar:

(Photos: Alain Zenger)

Next pictures for example, from Chrigel Maurer or Petsch Neuenschwander the acro- flies.