Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Seating Chart Template Church

The Dresden group "Black Monday "has a very readable, because successful text entitled" The wicked history "was published, which deals with the internal left-wing navel-gazing around the" 13 February "in Dresden against defects.
This text is therefore recommended at this point strongly.

The wicked history

In the dead end of ideology formation. About
for a contribution of the Dresdner Zeitung ctrl_f "so-called 13th February discussion.

"If the citizens have admitted that the anti-Semite in the wrong, he will at least
that the victim was guilty of "
Horkheimer, Adorno. Dialectic of Enlightenment

The discussion at 13 February in Dresden is boring. After the autosomes
Dresdner Zeitung ctrl_f "in its first issue announced itself with this issue, it was some surprise when, under the title" Left truths? Some critical comments on the dominance debate left about 13 February "in the third, actually dated to June edition was published in a Ralf contribution.
Given that in this from all sides so fervently desired "discussion" is, bizarrely, no one so far, neither the "Kritiker_innen" yet, this year's preparation committee nor anyone else, to hergab, even a definitive written statement to publish, is already a certain amount of courage to take intellectual responsibility for one's own thinking and is of course lying exposure to what the author necessarily benefit hold is.

But the limits are set. The "end" of this text is quite old: a discussion is here, and form the only real content of the text - isolated "comments", like the title promises, some "criticism" and "questions" whose answers required - an answer die der Autor selbstverständlich schuldig bleibt. Das allerdings hören wir nicht zum ersten Mal. Ralfs Beitrag steht nicht alleine; er drückt äußerst gut die Grauzone aus, in der sich ein gewisser Teil der Dresdner Antifa derzeit befindet: im Dilemma zwischen dem sich steigernden Unbehagen mit der bisherigen (eigenen) Position und der verdeckten oder offenen Ideologiebildung.
Weiterlesen via „Die böse Geschichte“


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