Saturday, December 22, 2007

Hursthouse Abortion Simplified

News December 2007 decision by the Administrative Court of Stuttgart

love plaintiffs,

almost a year ago that we have collected all the charges brought against the study assessments. Six months ago, the administrative court, the test cases in Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Sigmaringen dismissed. Thus we expected, because a court of lower instance can not declare a law unconstitutional. At most appeal to the Federal Constitutional Court if it is convinced of the unconstitutionality of a law. In such a politically sensitive and legally complex issue was not expected. Man can but unfortunately not immediately disconnect before the Federal Constitutional Court, but must sue through the courts until the administrative courts. Exactly what we are doing.

There are three such instances: the simple administrative court (in Baden-Württemberg in Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart and Sigmaringen), the Higher Administrative Court in Mannheim and the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig. After Freiburg has appealed the ruling of the Administrative Court of Appeal, the test case will now be heard by the High Administrative Court. The date is not fixed yet, so it can take time.

All other claims are still in the closets of the administrative courts, and dort bis auf weiteres auch liegen bleiben. Die Verfahren werden erst auf Antrag einer Partei (KlägerIn und Hochschule) verhandelt. Bis zum Abschluss des Musterverfahrens passiert also auf jeden Fall erst einmal gar nichts.

Daher besteht auch vorerst kein Grund, seine Klage zurückzuziehen. Von den 105 Euro gezahlten Gerichtskosten bekommt mensch im Falle eines Misserfolgs der Musterklage so oder so zwei Drittel wieder, wenn das eigenen Verfahren nicht verhandelt wird. Erst wenn eine Niederlage endgültig feststeht, macht es Sinn, die Klage zurückzuziehen (außer mensch braucht das Geld sofort).

Stuttgart lässt mit der Verhandlung yet to come, probably until a decision has been made in Mannheim. In North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, in which complaint is made against the tuition fees, students were able to partially achieve success, but what had to be done at the legal peculiarities of the countries.

Just a few days, the Federal Statistical Office has published figures that strengthen our claim to the return. According to this survey may have a deterrent effect of tuition fees will be demonstrated. These effects were by the Federal Constitutional Court in January 2005 explicitly mentioned that tuition fees can only be introduced if this can be avoided. Details can be found unter folgenden Links.,1518,522934,00.html,templateId=renderPrint.psml

Eins noch: Wer umzieht, sollte seine neue Adresse dem Verwaltungsgericht melden (reicht wahrscheinlich telefonisch unter Angabe des eigenen Aktenzeichens).

So das erste Jahr ist nun rum, warten wir auf das, was uns im neuen erwarten mag. Wir wünschen euch allen ein frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch.

Euer Klage Team Stuttgart

Sunday, September 16, 2007

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Hallo liebe Kläger,

in den letzten Tagen erreichen uns vermehrt eMails von euch, da das VG Stuttgart scheinbar die ersten Zahlungsbescheide für die Klage versendet. Dies ist überhaupt kein Grund zur Panik: Das ist wie vor almost a year, announced the conventional procedure, just a little delayed. The VG Stuttgart seems the flood of complaints have worked well until now to follow those decisions, and thus so late. A withdrawal of the action is at present neither necessary nor useful. The action continues, the complaints remain at rest and there are no developments in the test cases in Stuttgart. At other sites now run on the appeals process. It is well within the bounds of possibility that is discussed in Stuttgart did not initially and the decision to wait until one level up! Who has now withdraws his complaint so far no advantage, but only a disadvantage, because what remains are the costs to him about 35 €, which repays NOT. At the skill testing, it is was to be expected to pay the 105 € and more to be seen. As soon as it is new or there is cause for withdrawal of complaints, we will inform you at this point immediately. That you have finally received the notices can only be seen as a positive sign that at last something stirred.

hold out then!

Your Action Team Stuttgart

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

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action against tuition fees. Information for Erstis

Dear students,

wie Ihr (vielleicht) in kurzen Lettern in eurem Studiengebührenbescheid gelesen habt, könnt ihr gegen diesen Dauerbescheid (er gilt für euer gesamtes Studium) keinen „einfachen“ Widerspruch einreichen. Deshalb bleibt nur eine Möglichkeit offen: Der Rechtsweg, die Klage gegen Studiengebühren. 345 Hohenheimer Studierende sind diesen Weg bereits gegangen. Erste Verfahren vor den Verwaltungsgerichten sind bereits gelaufen. Wenn ihr auch gegen Studiengebühren klagen wollt, dann findet ihr auf dem Flyer ( download ) einige Informationen, die wir für euch zusammengestellt haben.

your AStA

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

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First method

The first court proceedings in Baden-Württemberg will be held on 06.20.2007 in Freiburg. We also keep you informed.

from the other provinces there are already to be transmitted first successful messages. An overview can be found in this article .

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second lead plaintiff at the University of Stuttgart

The 23-year-old physics student Thomas Schwarzbäck (see picture)
comes from near Schwäbisch Hall. "I complained because I feel strongly disadvantaged by the university fees." says the BAföG receiver. "Because I've been waiting for to study one year in order to make a community service and have contributed an important contribution to society, should I pay an extra year?

That is absolutely unfair!" In order to study the 23-year Schwabe
will place the whole family. "My parents are both hard working curative, and deserve as such not very much. Everybody knows how it looks in the social professions." Thomas clarified his situation. "I get grants for higher education there is not enough, however, my parents and my grandmother on a monthly basis for a grant.
Together with a small job as an assistant at the University of then it just goes. "

order to finance the tuition fees themselves, the aspiring physicists think of something." For this semester, we all have merged. . The next semester my mother to me will get a loan, because, I hope, get a
bank loans better interest rates, they can pass on to me, "Why is the country's credit to him out of the question shines a quick:" Because I have a mountain of debt through student loans will have when I'm finished studying,
has got too big a risk in the debt trap. The loan, which offers me the country, with more than seven percent interest just too expensive. I might want auch irgendwann eine Familie gründen, aber mit so vielen Schulden ist das nicht so einfach."

Pressemitteilung des AK Studiengebühren und Entgelte der Uni Stgt vom 31.5.2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

Why Is Always Down?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

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Central plaintiffs file

Wie ihr eventuell aus Rundfunk und Medien mitbekommen habt, musste das Wissenschaftsministerium die etwa 300 bereits erhaltenen Personendaten von klagenden Studierenden löschen. Der Landesdatenschutz-Beauftragte saw action in the central file an illegality.

here to read: can
Spiegel online
state data protection officer

Thursday, February 15, 2007

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second Open letter to Frankenberg

Here it the second open letter to Minister Frankenberg download , the students representing the University of Stuttgart (FaVeVe) together with the country asten Conference ( LAC have sent).

Monday, February 12, 2007

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protest letter generator

can here everyone can create their own individual letter of protest against the tuition fee and download as a PDF or fax directly to the Ministry of Science!


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

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Open letter to Minister Frankenberg

Here you can Download the open letter and the related press release .


Dear Minister Frankenberg,

last week we as a student's knowledge that her ministry, the universities asked in a circular letter to him in any action or temporary legal protection method, a copy of the complaint to leave or Application -. In the pure form of enforcement has apparently omitted a copy, but asked for a table showing the applicant name with the relevant court file number.

We are currently not clear why the MWC needs, including the names of all applicants file number, wenn doch die Hochschulen und nicht das Ministerium die Beklagten sind.

Wir bitten Sie deshalb Auskunft darüber zu geben, auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage die Anforderung sich gründet, zu welchem Zweck das Ministerium diese Informationen benötigt und welche Hochschulen bereits Studierendendaten übermittelt haben. Hiermit möchten wir unsere Bedenken im Hinblick auf das Grundrecht auf „informationelle Selbstbestimmung“ zum Ausdruck bringen.

Aus Transparenzgründen möchten wir Sie bitten diejenigen Studierenden, von denen Ihnen die Namen samt Aktenzeichen bereits vorliegen über die Speicherung durch das MWK zu informieren.

Wir sehen uns ansonsten veranlasst jedem Studierenden nahezulegen to exercise his
data protection right to information use.

representative Sincerely

Franz Bozsak
for the student council representatives meeting at the University of Stuttgart
for AStA Universität Hohenheim

Saturday, February 3, 2007

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adoption application

We are surprised sometimes what we find in the vastness of the laws of all. Certainly for us is not all relevant and necessary as it is not for us, and no attention. But we'd like to point to a trifle in the State Higher Education Fees Act.

Under § 6 para 3 sentence 1 LHGebG describes the opportunity for the students to adopt or for deferred payment of tuition fees. This right has each of us and should be perceived.

Especially it concerns the people, who because of their nationality are not entitled to a loan or have exceeded the normal period.

a risk for any of us, as this application, which can be found in the notes, no consequences can result (eg de-registration or similar). It can only be rejected. It is similar to state aid for education, is only less are extensively prepared for the University of Hohenheim and has been supplemented only with your details and signed.

The application listed in § 21 and § LGebG include 22 of the country LGebG Charges Act, the conditions and consequences of a deferral or adoption. Below you will find, in the usual German lawyers, the two above-mentioned paragraphs.

tuition fees are socially unjust!

your action team



State Fees Act

§ 21


(1) The authority can spend the required fees and expenses in whole or in part if the recovery at maturity would mean a significant hardship for the debtor and the claim by the deferral will not be jeopardized. The moratorium should only be given upon request and on security.

(2) For the duration of a granted deferment, raised interest rates. The interest amounts to 0.5 per cent for each month. Are you from the day on which the interest period begins to pay only for full months.

(3) For the calculation of interest shall be rounded off to the interest amount to a full 50 € below.

(4) on the interest may be waived in whole or in part if their collection inequitable circumstances of an individual case would be.

§ 22

suppression, remission

(1) The Authority may impact claims when it is clear that , the recovery is not successful or if the costs of collection are disproportionate to the amount to be recovered.

(2) The department may adopt rights, in whole or in part, if their recovery would be unfair on the location of each case. Under the same conditions can already paid shall be refunded.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

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sound administrative court in Stuttgart over 300 complaints from students from Hohenheim have arrived. A total of 1,700 complaints were filed.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

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demo on 26.01.2007 in Karlsruhe

meeting place for students from Hohenheim and Stuttgart:
12:30 clock, Central Station Stuttgart.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Cover On My Microwave

deadline 16/01/2007

The application deadline is 16.1 (the beginning of the month Time: 3 days after the postmark). We have received today from a student their envelope with postage stamp. Unlike us, they have this thrown away yet. Date of dispatch of the fee decision: 13.12.2006.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

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246 students ......

and it never ends! 246 Hohenheim students have registered with us for the distributor.

to an information distribution: We have decided today in AStA a common distribution with the crying of the Uni-Stuttgart to create. Since the dates are the same for students of both universities plaintive, and the Stuttgart and even with their test case for us Hohenheim sue, this is the optimal solution.

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pictures action event

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

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183 students complain!

183 students have now registered with the event information in the application distribution. Furthermore you will receive this week the latest and most current information.

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copies of the application

According to § 82 Code of Administrative Procedure, but must be accompanied by copies of the application not the + fonts for the other parties. So if you do not want the courts deal with photocopying, then itself decide


(1) 1 The application must be raised in writing with the court. 2 The administrative court may also on record by the clerk of the office will be charged.

(2) The complaint and all pleadings shall, subject to § 55a para 2 sentence 2 copies for the other participants are attached.

Monday, January 8, 2007

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suspension of action

the part of the university's actions left the rest! With reference to the test cases.

It is necessary for our students that is not a lawyer. It will be added only the court fees, but we get back, we win the complaints :-)

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

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Dear students,

moves the payday of tuition fees closer. In mid-December have already sent the payment issued by the university. For many, still the question of how the money should be applied over the whole study and with how much debt you finished studying. The last possible appeal or against the (permanent) payment notice, which applies to an entire program to proceed, is a case before the administrative court in Stuttgart. After receipt of the answer we are left only the possibility of students within four weeks after receipt of the answer file a complaint. This date will be achieved in many early as mid-January (11.1.2007). It is important to get back at a successful claim only those tuition fees, which have also complained. Currently there are two points of a chance of success:

1) The interest on the loan by the interest on the loan
(whose purpose, according to § 7 paragraph 1 sentence 1 LHGebG the financing of the program is), the students from financially weak households against those who have financially powerful parents, disadvantaged. The question is whether this discrimination is justified. In a differentiation criterion that the person on which it is written do not change, can, qualified required in order to justification. These are not given here. Insbesondere ist die Regelung unverhältnismäßig, da die Verzinsung des Darlehens weder ein geeignetes Mittel zur Erreichung des angestrebten Zwecks (Finanzierung des Studiums) noch das mildeste Mittel dafür ist. Somit liegt ein Verstoß gegen Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG dar.

2) Verstoß gegen den UN-Sozialpakt
Art. 13 Abs. 2 lit. c des Internationalen Pakts über Wirtschaftliche, Soziale und Kulturelle Rechte(UN-Sozialpakt), der durch Bundesgesetz (!!!!) innerstaatliches Recht wurde, besagt, dass „…der Hochschulunterricht auf jede geeignete Weise, insbesondere durch allmähliche Einführung der Unentgeltlichkeit, jedermann gleichermaßen entsprechend seinen Fähigkeiten zugänglich must be made. "The legal consequences of this binding system for the imported state laws are still unclear. Had the federal government in general the power to conclude such a contract? Is the scheme compulsory? Does this prohibition absolute? If not, the conditions under which fees may still be collected?

We require a strong support to the majority rejection by the students in the state of Baden-Württemberg to express. The effort on your part is simply the applied model application (download: completed and to send to the Administrative Court. A process will not occur because the Administrative Court and all other instances of test cases are performed, which are representative of all complaints. Note, however, that is required after the filing of the complaint from the Administrative Court for legal aid in the amount of 105 €. This amount is but about 2 / 3, regardless of whether the process won or lost, shall be repaid at the end. Thus, the effort is only 35 €. If the fees are declared unconstitutional, you will receive back the full 105 €.

In the first week we will give you more material ( verteilen und euch die Klage vor dem Verwaltungsgericht informieren. Zudem bieten wir euch eine Informationsveranstaltung an:

Termin: 9.1.2007
Uhrzeit: 13:00 Uhr s.t
Ort: Katherinensaal/Euroforum

Es wäre toll, wenn ihr zahlreich erscheint.

Viele Grüße

Euer AStA