Saturday, December 22, 2007

Hursthouse Abortion Simplified

News December 2007 decision by the Administrative Court of Stuttgart

love plaintiffs,

almost a year ago that we have collected all the charges brought against the study assessments. Six months ago, the administrative court, the test cases in Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Sigmaringen dismissed. Thus we expected, because a court of lower instance can not declare a law unconstitutional. At most appeal to the Federal Constitutional Court if it is convinced of the unconstitutionality of a law. In such a politically sensitive and legally complex issue was not expected. Man can but unfortunately not immediately disconnect before the Federal Constitutional Court, but must sue through the courts until the administrative courts. Exactly what we are doing.

There are three such instances: the simple administrative court (in Baden-Württemberg in Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart and Sigmaringen), the Higher Administrative Court in Mannheim and the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig. After Freiburg has appealed the ruling of the Administrative Court of Appeal, the test case will now be heard by the High Administrative Court. The date is not fixed yet, so it can take time.

All other claims are still in the closets of the administrative courts, and dort bis auf weiteres auch liegen bleiben. Die Verfahren werden erst auf Antrag einer Partei (KlägerIn und Hochschule) verhandelt. Bis zum Abschluss des Musterverfahrens passiert also auf jeden Fall erst einmal gar nichts.

Daher besteht auch vorerst kein Grund, seine Klage zurückzuziehen. Von den 105 Euro gezahlten Gerichtskosten bekommt mensch im Falle eines Misserfolgs der Musterklage so oder so zwei Drittel wieder, wenn das eigenen Verfahren nicht verhandelt wird. Erst wenn eine Niederlage endgültig feststeht, macht es Sinn, die Klage zurückzuziehen (außer mensch braucht das Geld sofort).

Stuttgart lässt mit der Verhandlung yet to come, probably until a decision has been made in Mannheim. In North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, in which complaint is made against the tuition fees, students were able to partially achieve success, but what had to be done at the legal peculiarities of the countries.

Just a few days, the Federal Statistical Office has published figures that strengthen our claim to the return. According to this survey may have a deterrent effect of tuition fees will be demonstrated. These effects were by the Federal Constitutional Court in January 2005 explicitly mentioned that tuition fees can only be introduced if this can be avoided. Details can be found unter folgenden Links.,1518,522934,00.html,templateId=renderPrint.psml

Eins noch: Wer umzieht, sollte seine neue Adresse dem Verwaltungsgericht melden (reicht wahrscheinlich telefonisch unter Angabe des eigenen Aktenzeichens).

So das erste Jahr ist nun rum, warten wir auf das, was uns im neuen erwarten mag. Wir wünschen euch allen ein frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch.

Euer Klage Team Stuttgart


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