Friday, March 4, 2011

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Snowman's Land (movie review)

Snowman's Land


Walter (Jürgen Risso) has problems with his job. If he had a normal job, it would probably be no problem, screw up once in a job - but Walter is hired killer. The staff is so unpopular sent by his superiors for a "special order" for gangster boss Berger (Reiner Schöne), who happens to be far resides in a villa in the mountains to the east.
way through endless snow forests Walter meets his old friend Mickey (Thomas Wodianka), also on the way to Berger. Soon comes the unequal Couple at the villa said, only to learn that the owner is not present. In fact, the thing developed very differently than it is Walter presented.


black humor comedy about hit man are not necessarily the kind of films for which Germany is famous. to make debut as a film, that was a pretty brave decision by Tomasz Thomson, even though or perhaps because he had to take for a very low budget in purchasing. The paucity of you realize Snowman's Land however, hardly, so Thomson all the more deserving of respect.

Let us begin with the positive aspects: Sympathetic to Snowman's Land is certainly that one observes the film, as well the sentiment was turning. The actors vary so right in and show by Eva-Katrin Hermann of Reiner Schöne, to actor Jürgen Rissman - occupied wonderfully atypical - convincing performance.

also can score with Thomson for a first very successful production. Even the locations are chosen to be very skillful, primarily the main arena, Berger's Villa, which had to serve for an abandoned sanatorium in the Black Forest. This rambling building in combination with the mystical, menacing landscape of snow creates a dense atmosphere that even associations mit The Shining weckt. Doch nicht nur das Setdesign, sondern auch die Kamera ist stilsicher und auf hohem Niveau.

Bezüglich dem Genre wird sich der Fan bei Snowman's Land sofort an die Filme von Quentin Tarantino und Guy Ritchie erinnern, und auch eine Prise Fargo ist deutlich zu spüren. Das ist sehr abwechslungsreich, mit einigen unerwarteten Wendungen angereichert und in der deutschen Kinolandschaft ein erfrischend ungewohnter und durchaus eigenwilliger Beitrag. Leider erweist sich Thomson als besserer Regisseur denn Drehbuchautor. Die Dialoge sind manchmal recht klobig, die Erzählstimme führt mehr schlecht als recht durch den Film, und teilweise hängt der Film - vor allem in der zweiten Thomson seems to have half of something lost, and the conclusion can not quite convince. Such weaknesses are for a first but quite excusable - Thomson has demonstrated its potential in any case.

Snowman's Land is a black comedy in a white mountain scene with a better script would have had the makings of a cult film of the stature of In Bruges . Even so, a fresh, unconventional and entertaining piece of cinema came out here.

rounded about 7 out of 10


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