Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Theme Costco Cakes Designs

down with the Islamic regime. Demo at 19:06:10 in Dresden

Der Zusammenschluss "Solidarity Dresden" ruft für den 19.06.2010 zu einer Demonstration for " the Iranian freedom movement, solidarity with Israel ." on.

called in the call, inter alia:

The threat posed by the Iranian regime shows in front of not only the brutal suppression of opposition, but also in the aggressive influence neighboring Arab countries and ultimately the regime in an effort to gain nuclear weapons. The atomic bomb in the hands of the Holocaust-denying Iranian regime represents a direct threat to Israel dar. Ahmedinejad's statements, Israel to be "wiped off the map" do to guarantee the regime not only a foundation on the anti-Semitic sentiments of the Addressat_innen, but reflect the real political objective of the Iranian regime. The destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews by the regime since its inception pursued with determination.


Germany has been one of the most reliable partner of Iran. Not only in economic terms as the largest trading partner, but also as a propagandist and an actor unspeakable appeasement policy. In the eight years since the announcement of the nuclear program of Iran missed an opportunity to make clear its will to continue it. At the same time by European countries and especially Germany did almost everything to keep him freely spine. Rather than pursue effective economic and diplomatic pressure, we celebrated a meaningful and result-less so-called "critical dialogue" with the regime.

It starts at 14 clock at the station Neustadt. The complete call can be found here:


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