Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Starbuck Hot Cocoa Caffeine

Namaste! Greetings from the roof of the world!

I hereby send you all Greetings from Kathmandu in nepal.
wir sind gestern ueber abu dhabi angekommen. wie es aussieht, haben wir glueck und bekommen voraussichtlich das visum fuer tibet - dann starten wir am 09.10. unsere reise zum heiligen berg kailash und dessen umrundung.

heute hatten wir eine runde sightseeing in kathamndu und morgen gehts zum rafting in den trisuli river. der geplante raft auf dem kali gandaki ist leider durch den starken monsun nicht moeglich. der kali hat zur zeit schwierigkeitsstufe 5+ von 6 (6=unbefahrbar) - das wollen wir uns dann doch nicht antun.

anschliessend sind wir 2 tage in pokhara am fewa lake und dann geht es zurueck nach kathmandu bevor wir hoffentlich nach tibet starten koennen.

ganz liebe gruesse an alle
- heli

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What Frame Size Do I Need For A Go Kart

left lying on the anti-denglish ... The

Hi, Peter Jaensch and Dieter Kupsch from the German Language Association!

As I was reading in the newspaper Saxony, in Dresden you mistyped the fight against the foreign domination of our beautiful language by Anglicisms. As I see photos of you, Dieter Kupsch (78, pensioners, DSU), as they are wrong in mock desperation by the city and know nothing but English signage before did not know where you coming or going. In school, you had only learned Latin and Greek, you complain English is not. Ran through me shudder of compassion. But it's not just about their own difficulties in understanding, no, this is much more at stake: the German language. You predict your

"a lonely death, a defeat against the hegemony of English words."
Read more via Saxroyal: "Hi, Peter Jaensch and Dieter Kupsch from the German Language Association"

Friday, September 12, 2008

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End of modesty

drives a bizzare province Posse Dresden's local parliament and the accompanying political operation on the occasion of the anniversary of anti-Semitic mass murder of the 11 September 2001.

At the meeting of the City Council on 11 September 2008 requested the members of the " National Alliance `" Wolfgang Schwarz a minute of silence for the victims of the "September 11th" to hold and caused quite the, well hoped scandal.

Members of the National Alliance `" in Dresden, along with mascots.

the rather dumb, models of NPD offshoot in the Dresden city council can hardly be assumed to feel very much empathy for " dead Americans." Rather, these people and their red-brown combatants rather close to "American dominance "To agitate and to the majority opinion advanced the long conspiracy to" ruminate on every occasion to the green fascism in the character of the Koran as "9 / 11 just to glorify resistance.
find After all, in Germany, no commemoration of the 11th September, neither German, Muslim, and place and certainly not by Nazi organizations. Under this impression is the German press, the commemorative events in the U.S. from essentially unresponsive. In the Dresden City Council was at any rate so far no one, including the " democratic groups," on the idea of a minute of silence at the 11th to apply for September, because these are not interested in " dead Americans" have.

moved Nevertheless, the well-to be heard muttering " about the true background of the 11th September "under one, according to the German mind, felt taboo.
This taboo that none is refracted as it constantly, and this is hardly outrageous must be accepted as an essential reason why the application of the "National Alliance ` "by a majority of councilors Dresdner was approved.
Nevertheless, one has here, in Dresden, where the collective consciousness of much of the stories about the " 13th February "shaped, is something in it when it comes to" war and to remember tyranny. " According to this logic were a few years ago equated the attack on the Twin Towers with the Allied bombing raid on Nazi Dresden in World War II or, though, this is rather dated, always dirty, popularly suggested that the "September 11" as a late but just punishment for interpretation.

The minute's silence was in any case in accordance with, a majority of the City Council rubber-stamped because held without substance, application, and the Group of "Green " then left the room. The "National Alliance " rejoiced, as has been acknowledged for the first time one of their applications, which is willing to open a cause for scandal to the reputation of the "democratic consensus" .
The Left Party is now threatening the Members of Parliament and Councillor Ronald Weckesser with expulsion from the Group, while the local CDU official Michael Kretschmar on the " Überrumplungstaktik " of the Nazis referred, the Greens' party political instrumentalization "accused and the approval of this request now for a "mistake " holds.

Weiterführende Links zum siebenten Jahrestag des 11. September 2001:
Lizas Welt: "Die Logik der Feinde"
Riotpropaganda: "Remember 9/11"
Nichtidentisches über die kulturindustrielle Verarbeitung: "Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11 vs. Flight93"
Comite liberte: "Rembember 9-11 - Remember Ground zero"

plus: One tribute video

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Does Car Sponsors Work

XC-Open sind zu Ende

Auch wenn es lange nicht danach aussah, konnten die XC Open am Samstag mit einem Task beendet werden. Bis zum Mittag blieb der Himmel grau und die Hoffnungen schwanden zusehends. Doch dann besserte sich die Lage recht schnell und um 14.45 standen wir am Start für das Briefing. Der Start folgte kurz später.

Die tiefe Basis und die grossflächige Abschattungen machten die Aufgabe über den Pass nach Avila zu gelangen nicht einfach. Leider erwischte es auch Mario kurz nach dem Pass, so dass er seinen hervorragenden 2. Platz in der Serial Wertung nicht halten konnten. Auch das Team von Mario und Philippe rutschte noch weit vom Podest (vor dem Task Rang 3. nachher 8.). Martin wurde ebenfalls vom „Pass gefressen“. Seine Sugarloop Crew Landete auf dem 5. Platz.

Da die Deadline bereits um 18.00 gesetzt war (es galt ja noch die Siegerehrung durchzubringen) wurden die Distanzen nicht allzu lang. Die besten erreichten gut 90km. Ich kam gut, wenn auch spät über den Pass und konnte mich dann im Avilatal mit dem Wind vorwärtsarbeiten. Bei Taskende war ich knapp bei km 60 und landete damit auf Rang 30.

Resultate Task 4

In der Gesammtwertung det Serial Klasse wurde Mario 5. (!), Philippe 30. und Martin 47.
Gratulation natürlich an Chrigel Maurer der den Anlass für sich entscheiden konnte!
Die besten Overall:
1. Christian Maurer
2. Jouni Makkonen
3. Godfrey wenness
4th Ralph Schloeffel
5th Olivier Nef
6th Suby Lutolf
request More information also here ...

For some, now go off the German Open - unfortunately on Sunday with a tragic, fatal accident - may include our heartfelt condolences to all family and friends!
For others (me) captures the everyday life at home again.

It was nice. Hopefully, by next year (perhaps with a little more flyable days :-))

Here are some impressions from the beautiful flying site!
(Photos: Aaron Blaser, Philippe Mettler)
From Piedrahita XC Open 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

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4-6. Tag XC-Open Piedrahita

The 4th Days did not look like a flyable day, but it was announced at last becoming a task. I started very early on what was actually a disadvantage. The relatively strong wind, it left not to wait for the following pilots. The strong wind I was catapulted right going over the pass. Again on the flat I could turn up only slightly and was ordered to finally end up with a great 40's wind. 15 minutes later I glanced Chrigel and a group of 10. The day was over for me. Fortunately (for me) was canceled shortly after the Task - Because of too much wind.
Philippe had to land before the pass (the rank remains secret ;-)) and Martin was able to increase over the previous days and was 25th

This day has swirled through the rankings.

The 5th and 6 Day was canceled due to strong wind.
We hope that tomorrow will prevail again flyable conditions and it is really exciting again.

much wind at the start (image: xc-open.org)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Verginity Bleeding Vedio

There is a train to nowhere ...

Seit mehreren Jahren lädt die Stadt Dresden former Jewish residents who fled during the Nazi era or were deported and who survived the Holocaust to take a several-day visit to Dresden. There is thus a "sign of reconciliation " are set to visit with former victims of persecution, probably in terms of image building, the possibility given their old "home".

Since interest a few old Jews in Dresden anyone, is the newspaper article about it is usually rather short and appears on the back pages of the local part. Can you call someone, however
as clueless and stupid or even suspected to deny the Holocaust, who formulates a report on the visit of former Dresdner Jewish women such as the following?
A small controversy ...
Source: http://www.sz-online.de/nachrichten/artikel.asp?id=1927134
Published on 02/09/2008

"Helma Orosz taking a tour group from the past

The Mayor welcomed yesterday Jewish visitors who were, after many years for the first time in Dresden.

would like to Helma Orosz presented to the guests their chain of office, but wait to be the Mayor yet. If you put off until the next Visit. "But it is certain," she says. For most participants in the twelve-member group is the first trip to Dresden, since they have left Germany during the Second World War. All are Jewish faith, all have their family roots in the city.

Today, their addresses scattered throughout the world: in South America, Sweden, Israel, or Bavaria. In 1994, at City Hall the first reception of Jewish exiles, now it has become tradition. Even if the groups get smaller each year - and the older generation of the witnesses.

On Sunday, the delegation has arrived, fed by the Mayor and for the next day, agreed with her again, this time in the official framework. It is an emotional meeting. Brings back memories, for schools and roads that no longer exist today. The square around the synagogue was in his mind, Wolfgang Apt, who lives in Bolivia. Nothing else. Dresden had set up over the years, a different face. "A beautiful, assure the visitors. By Thursday they want to stay, stroll through the city and attending a concert at the Semper Opera. Some have made the option of including their own traces of the past. (Doh) "
course, the new mayor, no travel group from the "past were taken. How that would have looked for? With us! If she had, according to which, given the deportations to the extermination camp the previous persecution and humiliation, it is hardly the picture of what you want out of pretty little Dresden from his guests. Perhaps Fri Orosz also had the yellow star on his clothes irritated, but would possibly also have been interpreted as a sign for the enrichment of the "cosmopolitan Dresden.
But that's all history, just like these people who arrive so ever way from the past to visit Dresden.

addition could Fri Orosz your chain of office * unfortunately not demonstrate what is obviously an absolutely key point that "the next time you visit " intended to be remedied. But only if those who were deported at that time, including the National Socialist predecessor, the Fr Orosz, and his chain of dogs from the city were living then, as the " witnesses are always older ", the article completely omits what testify to this because. Sorry, of course, they then have the city " leave" in order to " South America, Sweden, Israel or Bavaria " to go there and probably leave to make. However, these seem
subtleties of the German chatter about the "past " neither the Saxon newspaper, nor the " Amtsverweserin " important to demonstrate a few Jews escaped political capabilities in terms of history.
If the " each year smaller groups " has come to the "visitor from the past" not eventually Fri Orosz also determines their chain of office at last found.

* There is still a lawsuit against their choice is to negotiate, it is not Mayor and must, therefore, the "chain of office" not wear and is referred to as "Amtsverweserin.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How To Hang Zink Over Boat


hola from sunny and hot Spain.
Sorry that we write the report until now, but we have had in recent days do not have time for it because we always were brought home sometime in the night of our retrieval. Piedrahita is simply madness. Up to 2 Task knew some team members (dr Dütsch) but only the range divides up the pass of the valley of Piedrahita and the Valley of Avila. However, this man must say that the pass is right at the beginning and pretty much is the only key point. Because no matter how much height with man tries to fly over the pass in the end found them all on Soaringhöhe again. If it is possible to fly over the pass, however, is an almost infinite possibilities erschliesen with the clouds roads to the English plains fly (picture below). So we flew Spältiteamler:

?? Task 1
8th 103km Mario
th km 40 km Philippe Martin

13th Mario
160km 106km 40th
th 93km Philippe Martin

prevailed today, unfortunately, a strong tailwind - so no starts. Morning looks like made.
Here is plain fly's an example of how: example Chrigel 200km

report by Martin, Mario, Philippe
Photo: Dominik Free