Saturday, July 18, 2009

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A knife against Islam

comment by Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, in the current Jungle World, the racist murder of an Egyptian woman in Dresden.

This days to answer the frequently asked question, what is the difference between Islamophobia and Racism is even: If a foreigner in Germany alleged murdered by Nazis and other racists, so are those who mourn him and to demonstrate against the killer alone.

is against "Islamophobia" in the game, the offense in the truest sense of the word is a top priority. Then take the fact of such illustrious figures as the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on his Egyptian counterpart Hosni Mubarak, spokesman for the Organisation of Islamic States and Ayyub Köhler of the Central Council of Muslims, so men, which indeed not a word would have been worth it acted If the victim is not supporting a Muslim headscarf.

the early nineties Years, as a proud German Nazis and others still successfully preyed on foreigners and asylum homes were burning, politicians and media to remain calm. It was necessary, it was said, to understand the offender and limit the best asylum. Anti-racists then was the religious affiliation of the victims nor care less.

side now in a Dresden court emigrants from Russia, the 32 year old Marwa al-Sherbini killed with a knife after he previously called "terrorist" and "Islamist" abused, had now led to the first murder victim of an Islamophobic attacks in Germany " (Taz) create written, and thus the interpretation of sovereignty delegated the case to "experts on Islam," the Iranian Government and other representatives of the Ummah. They take the job only too happy to order the German ambassador in Tehran, organized demonstrations in front of German embassies in Tehran and Cairo, and explain the murder victim either on the "veiled martyr" (Iran) or a "martyr in hijab" (Egypt) .

Meanwhile, complained the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims, Ayyub Köhler, the growing Islamophobia in Germany, which is directed especially against those "sisters" who wear the headscarf. Stefan Widmann, his sign of Islamophobia, an expert from Berlin Centre for Research on Antisemitism, said: "This attack may have been prepared by an atmosphere of hate on the Internet scene and problematic tendencies among certain intellectuals who reach into the mainstream of society. "According now identified also Prosecutor Christian Avenarius in Dresden, whether it was a" had acted anti-Islamic act. "

corresponds to the knife, if you learn something about him that almost perfect social type who was always out apologetically into the field when there was a matter motives for racist violence to explain or excuse. If the victim is not asylum seekers from Africa, not a Turkish family, which has obviously not, or only in private with religion, but a devout Muslim but apparently, the suspect then turned to the executor of an alleged prevailing Islamophobia. 15 years ago the other hand, some politicians would have been happy to even those confused individual perpetrators in front of you, which you had after the murders in Solingen Mölln and invent specially.

Had Marwa al-Sherbini worn a headscarf, she would have been about a secular-oriented migrant from Egypt - not a soul would have raised accusations of Islamophobia. Because she wore a headscarf, she has been elevated to "martyr", and - between Berlin and Tehran, there is agreement - the knife that she found deadly, was not Islam, of her person.

( note about the images : Figure 1 shows a "mourning rally" for the victims in Pakistan, while the second image comes from the demonstration in Dresden on 11 July, on the obviously also an apparent flag of Hamas was accepted)

Friday, July 10, 2009

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Obama, the monkey ...

Who reminds not yet at the stupid comparisons between George W. Bush and all types of primates, circulating especially at the beginning of his first term. This type of hate propaganda in the eight years of his presidency differ widely spread, but since the show was Barack Obama on the political scene, despite the inherent anachronism, never quite out of fashion. turned

With the nomination and the presidency, the Obama's 180 degrees, as demonstrated not least, the enthusiasms of his last visit to Germany.

The wonderful dialectic of the monkey comparison, the hatred of Bush and the German love for Obama has now shown the Dresden Zoo, as Among other things, the report Tagesspiegel or the English magazine "The Local" .

"The Dresden Zoo had a newborn Mandrill the name given Obama," The organization of Black People in Germany (ISD) takes exception it and called for the renaming of the monkey. Such naming is racist. "It's a disaster," the ISD-chairman Tahir Della said on Friday the English-German website "The Local". "Black people are always comparing with the animal kingdom and the primitive face. "

" The choice should express something positive, "said the Dresdner keeper Manuel Collmar. The name was to honor the American president and during his visit to Dresden. Neither she nor her colleagues had been clear that monkeys in the story had been repeatedly used as caricatures and ethnic stereotypes for black people. "