Thursday, February 15, 2007
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Here it the second open letter to Minister Frankenberg download , the students representing the University of Stuttgart (FaVeVe) together with the country asten Conference ( LAC have sent).
Monday, February 12, 2007
How Soon After Epilation Can I Shower
can here everyone can create their own individual letter of protest against the tuition fee and download as a PDF or fax directly to the Ministry of Science!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
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Here you can Download the open letter and the related press release .
Dear Minister Frankenberg,
last week we as a student's knowledge that her ministry, the universities asked in a circular letter to him in any action or temporary legal protection method, a copy of the complaint to leave or Application -. In the pure form of enforcement has apparently omitted a copy, but asked for a table showing the applicant name with the relevant court file number.
We are currently not clear why the MWC needs, including the names of all applicants file number, wenn doch die Hochschulen und nicht das Ministerium die Beklagten sind.
Wir bitten Sie deshalb Auskunft darüber zu geben, auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage die Anforderung sich gründet, zu welchem Zweck das Ministerium diese Informationen benötigt und welche Hochschulen bereits Studierendendaten übermittelt haben. Hiermit möchten wir unsere Bedenken im Hinblick auf das Grundrecht auf „informationelle Selbstbestimmung“ zum Ausdruck bringen.
Aus Transparenzgründen möchten wir Sie bitten diejenigen Studierenden, von denen Ihnen die Namen samt Aktenzeichen bereits vorliegen über die Speicherung durch das MWK zu informieren.
Wir sehen uns ansonsten veranlasst jedem Studierenden nahezulegen to exercise his
data protection right to information use.
representative Sincerely
Franz Bozsak
for the student council representatives meeting at the University of Stuttgart
for AStA Universität Hohenheim
Saturday, February 3, 2007
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We are surprised sometimes what we find in the vastness of the laws of all. Certainly for us is not all relevant and necessary as it is not for us, and no attention. But we'd like to point to a trifle in the State Higher Education Fees Act.
Under § 6 para 3 sentence 1 LHGebG describes the opportunity for the students to adopt or for deferred payment of tuition fees. This right has each of us and should be perceived.
Especially it concerns the people, who because of their nationality are not entitled to a loan or have exceeded the normal period.
a risk for any of us, as this application, which can be found in the notes, no consequences can result (eg de-registration or similar). It can only be rejected. It is similar to state aid for education, is only less are extensively prepared for the University of Hohenheim and has been supplemented only with your details and signed.
The application listed in § 21 and § LGebG include 22 of the country LGebG Charges Act, the conditions and consequences of a deferral or adoption. Below you will find, in the usual German lawyers, the two above-mentioned paragraphs.
tuition fees are socially unjust!
your action team
State Fees Act
§ 21
(1) The authority can spend the required fees and expenses in whole or in part if the recovery at maturity would mean a significant hardship for the debtor and the claim by the deferral will not be jeopardized. The moratorium should only be given upon request and on security.
(2) For the duration of a granted deferment, raised interest rates. The interest amounts to 0.5 per cent for each month. Are you from the day on which the interest period begins to pay only for full months.
(3) For the calculation of interest shall be rounded off to the interest amount to a full 50 € below.
(4) on the interest may be waived in whole or in part if their collection inequitable circumstances of an individual case would be.
§ 22
suppression, remission
(1) The Authority may impact claims when it is clear that , the recovery is not successful or if the costs of collection are disproportionate to the amount to be recovered.
(2) The department may adopt rights, in whole or in part, if their recovery would be unfair on the location of each case. Under the same conditions can already paid shall be refunded.